

餐厅美元 make it easy and convenient to grab a bite on campus while also saving you money. Anyone can purchase 餐厅美元, which are accepted at all UNH 餐厅 establishments and in campus vending machines.

When you make purchases using 餐厅美元, the amount of your transaction is subtracted from your total balance. The perk is that when you use 餐厅美元 to purchase items at 餐厅 locations, you get a 5% discount at the register. There are no fees of any kind associated with the account. The balance carries from fall to spring semester. Any balance remaining at the end of meal service in May will be forfeited.

当你购买 Premier or Campus Plan, your 餐厅美元 are added to your UNH ID card, which then acts like a debit card. 餐厅美元 accounts can be opened at any time during the year. You can add as much or as little money as you want to your ID card any time during the year through the 餐厅/ ID办公室. 教师, staff and graduate students will need to stop by the 餐饮/身份证办公室 to activate their card before adding 餐厅美元.


餐厅美元 can be ordered online via credit card through the 住房 Portal and added to “webcat account”  (same as tuition)

Order 餐厅美元 Online

Where can I use my 餐厅美元?

餐厅美元 are accepted at 联邦法院, Wildcatessen, Philbrook咖啡馆, 阿尔贝二世亲王的, 齐克的咖啡馆, UNH牛奶吧, 1926年基石 and all dining halls. They also can be used at Dunkin Donuts and in most on-campus vending machines, as well as for online and mobile orders.

How do I make deposits?

If you're a student you can also use a credit card or a debit card at one of our convenient Wildcat Deposit 中心 located at Wildcatessen, Memorial Union Building (MUB), 和Holloway Commons. 餐厅美元 can also be purchased by mailing a check, 应付给联合国大学, to the 餐厅/ID Office; be sure to include your name and ID number. The amount of the check will be deposited into your account and activated as soon as we receive it.

餐厅美元 can be billed to student accounts through the online order form during eligible periods. 餐厅美元 can be added at any time during the school year until the second Friday of spring semester. 参观 Change Your Plan page and follow the links to change or order a meal plan or go to the 餐厅/ID Office located in the Memorial Union Building to add funds to an ID Card.

Deposits can be made at the 餐厅/ ID办公室 with a credit card or check. You can also pay online (see below).

How long do my 餐厅美元 remain active?

餐厅美元 are valid during the academic year of purchase only. A balance will carry from fall semester to spring semester and is valid until the end of the meal service in May. Any remaining balance expires and is nonrefundable.

How do I protect my balances?

Your card can be suspended by going to your MyUNH Portal account. Click on the 猫的缓存 tab and then choose Card Services and Deactivate Card. You may also call the 餐厅/ID Office  during normal business hours at (603) 862-1821 to suspend your card. Only the balance on the card at the time the card was suspended can be protected.

餐厅美元 can be ordered online via credit card through the 住房 Portal and added to “webcat account”  (same as tuition): 

Order 餐厅美元 Online