
总是鼓励学生和教师讨论实施住宿. 学生 are encouraged to connect with their instructors, but instructors are also encouraged to reach out to students for a meeting as well. 这个会议或会议应该集中讨论如何实施住宿,以及如何确保未来的有效沟通.  这个页面的目的是帮助确保澳门葡京网赌游戏住宿的对话是适当的和富有成效的.


有一件重要的事情要记住,你的目标和学生的目标最终是非常相似的. Both individuals want to make sure that:

  • The student has the opportunity to succeed in the course.
  • The student can meet the learning objectives.
  • Accommodations are implemented effectively.
  • 有一个明确的计划.

While instructors and students may express that goal differently, in the end the goals are very similar. 

It is important to recognize that a meeting about accommodations can be challenging. This can be challenging because of:

  • 内在动力 -重要的是要认识到学生和教师之间存在固有的权力不平衡.
  • 会议的重要性 – While it might be a meeting you have with many students through the semester, the importance of this meeting to each individual should be recognized. 学生与您会面,以确保他们能够有效地学习. The stakes of this meeting are very high for students.
  • Perceived supports within the course - 学生 often pay close attention to how disability, 可访问性, 包容, and accommodations are not only discussed, but also incorporated into the course itself.
  • The impacts of the student’s condition -简单地说,每个人都是不同的. 可能有些学生对他们的条件的影响非常开放,而其他人可能不想分享超过最低限度的东西. There may be students who can articulate their needs in your course very clearly, while others who are not exactly sure what to ask for. 重要的是要记住,学生处理对话的方式是多变的.
  • Past experiences in similar conversations – Whether you are supportive and understanding, 重要的是要明白,学生是带着过去的经历进入对话的. 这可能导致他们对谈话非常乐观,也可能导致他们警惕.


When students report concerns or issues to SAS about meetings with instructors, the student issue is often not the exact words stated, but the way in which it was said. 学生们开会不仅仅是为了了解住宿的后勤安排(尽管这很重要)。, 还要了解老师如何在课程中为他们提供支持. 他们希望在整个学期中建立一种支持性的合作关系.

The right tone for this type of meeting is:

  • 支持和理解
  • 诚实可靠
  • 协作性和生产力

教师和学生可以在任何时间见面,学生可以在任何时间完成他们的学期要求. 然而, 建议学生在开会讨论住宿之前分享他们的住宿信. 这些信件有大学批准的住宿,所以可以帮助指导谈话的参数.

在会面之前,辅导员应该检查住宿,看看学生是否分享了他们的住宿信. If the student has not shared their letter, they should be encouraged to complete their “semester request” as soon as possible.



每门课程的要求和课程的运行方式都不同. It is important to share more about the syllabus, 基本课程要求, 相关课程政策(如.g., attendance, deadlines), and inclusive supports already built into the course. Some questions you could ask students include: 

  • What are some of your key goals for this course? What do you hope to learn or be able to do?
  • Do you have any questions about:
    • 教学大纲?
    • 整个课程时间表?
    • 作业或截止日期?
    • 考勤制度?
  • 你有没有计划利用的课程支持(学习小组、办公时间、学习会议等).)?


讨论住宿时的关键是将谈话集中在如何在您的课程中实施批准的住宿上. 由于每个课程的基本要求不同,因此不同课程的实现看起来可能不同. 当与学生谈论住宿时,重点应该放在这些住宿在课程中是什么样子的. Some questions you could ask students include: 

  • 我已经通读了您的住宿信,我想知道您打算在我的课程中使用哪些住宿?
    • Are there accommodations on your letter that you would like to specifically discuss? 
  • How have your accommodations been successfully implemented for you in the past?
  • Are there any questions that you already have about how these could be implemented?


沟通对于确保住宿的有效实施至关重要. 交流是双向的,教师和学生都参与其中. It is important to establish how communication will ideally go in the future. Some questions you could ask students include: 

  • How do you prefer to communicate about accommodations?
    • 电子邮件?
    • 办公时间?
    • 预定的会议?
  • Are there any points where you want to check-in about your accommodations?
  • How should I get in touch if there are accommodation concerns?


Avoid Discussing Disability Specific Information

教师不应该问学生他们的残疾是什么,也不应该要求学生提供与他们的残疾有关的文件. 在互动住宿过程中,这些信息已经与SAS共享. 当然, there may be students who choose to share their disability. 然而, students are not required to and should not be encouraged to self-identify.

If a student does self-identify or disclose their condition:

  • 听记
  • Avoid minimizing or attempting to compare experiences
  • 保持信息的私密性
  • As needed, direct the student to the appropriate resources and SAS 

Avoid Questioning Student Qualification or Need

被批准住宿的学生已经通过了与SAS的互动住宿流程. 这个过程包括在SAS注册、提交文档和与SAS会面. Accommodation approval only occurs for qualified students. 教师不应该质疑学生是否应该得到他们批准的住宿(住宿信中列出的住宿),或者他们是否应该有住宿. 学生 with accommodations have already demonstrated their need to SAS.

Avoid Questioning the Reasonableness of an Accommodation

教师不应该与学生谈论他们是否认为住宿是合理的特定课程. Accommodations are approved after an interactive process with SAS, 只有当学生已经有资格获得住宿时,他们才会被批准.  另外, 质疑学生的住宿会让学生感到无助和不受支持. 这不是一种建立信任的方式,也不是为未来合作铺平道路的好方法.

当然, 这并不意味着教师不能提出澳门葡京网赌游戏如何在他们的课程中实施住宿的问题. Importantly, these conversations should occur with SAS as opposed to the student.


学生可以要求住宿信中没有包括的东西. Instructors are required to implement the approved accommodations, but are not obligated to implement additional accommodations. While instructors can always provide additional supports, 重要的是要清楚,学生还没有正式批准你所提供的支持. 这避免了学生的困惑,他们可能认为在一门课程中提供的支持可以在所有课程中使用.

一个好的经验法则是:如果你愿意在类似的情况下为任何人提供支持, 那么就可以提供了. If you normally wouldn’t provide the support, then the student should follow-up with SAS about additional accommodations.