Agenda Committee of the 教师参议院


Jeffrey Halpern, Chair
格雷格·摩尔, Member-at-Large
艾米鲸, Member-at-Large
将微笑, Member-at-Large

澳门葡京网赌游戏 the Agenda Committee Members


杰弗里·米. Halpern (he/him) is an Associate 教授essor of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering. In 2012, he was awarded a Fulbright Senior Scholarship and joined UNH in 2014. 教授. Halpern目前负责管理表面增强电化学诊断传感器(SEEDS)实验室,并且是BIO-SENS(仿生按需策略工程纳米结构传感器)的负责人[NSF EPSCoR资助小组#2119237]。. His current research is highly interdisciplinary which integrates surface chemistry, 电化学, 材料科学, 以及生物传感器的设计,重点关注表面聚合物修饰,以招募生物分子,提高灵敏度, 再现性, 和可重用性. 教授. Halpern还积极参与针对神经多样性学生的不同教学和指导教学法. 2023年. Halpern recently won the J. Brent Loy年度创新者奖和首届CEPS年度杰出本科生导师奖. 教授. Halpern has served on 教师参议院 since 2019, 曾担任财务和行政委员会主席(2020-2022),最近担任教务委员会副主席.  

玛丽维. Stampone (她/她/她的)是地理学副教授,也是新罕布什尔州的气候学家. 她获得了博士学位.D. 他从特拉华大学获得气候学学位,并于2008年加入澳门葡京网赌游戏. Dr. Stampone在美国国家海洋和大气管理局资助的应用气候科学研究侧重于监测和模拟区域尺度气候系统过程的变率和变化,重点是水文气候灾害(例如气候灾害).e., drought, flooding, severe weather). She co-authored the “Northeast” chapter of the 4th National Climate Assessment, 领导了最近的“新罕布什尔气候评估”,是NH沿海洪水风险科学技术咨询小组和干旱管理小组的成员. She received the Class of 1941 教授essorship in 2017, the 教师 可持续性 Award for established research in 2023, 并获得了首届民间话语实验室CIRCLE聘任研究奖学金. Dr. Stampone teaches 本科 courses on weather, 气候, 并担任了两届系主任. 她于2023年作为人类学和地理系的代表加入了教务委员会, serving as chair of the Academic 项目 Committee. .


格雷格·摩尔 是生物科学系海岸恢复和恢复力的副教授. His primary research interests are focused upon coastal wetland restoration ecology, 保护, and land management within both temperate and tropical habitats. With funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and others. 他的研究特别强调对湿地的人为影响,研究植物群落模式和沉积物生物地球化学之间的相互作用,寻求对栖息地丧失的原因有更多的了解, 植物物种入侵, 通过参与学术研究,与受影响的社区共同制定创新战略,直接恢复有弹性的沿海栖息地. 他曾获得美国环保署颁发的环境、社区、学术界环境优秀奖 & 非营利类别,以及联合国大学可持续发展研究所颁发的可持续发展奖“金奖”. Moore takes pride in his service to UNH community. He presently serves as the Program Coordinator for the Marine, 河口, and Freshwater Biology Major, 海洋生物学副修, and the Marine Policy Minor, as well as the Academic Affairs Committee for the Department of Biological Sciences. 在近10年的时间里,他担任浅滩海洋实验室的学术协调员. 摩尔于2020年加入教务委员会,现任研究与公共服务委员会(RPSC)主席。. 他期待着今年秋天开始他在教务委员会连续两年的第三个任期.  

艾米鲸 is 通讯科学系助理教授兼研究协调员 & 障碍. 她的研究, 教学, 临床兴趣集中在认知和情感的神经基础上,因为它们与沟通能力相互作用. Dr. Ramage的研究小组, 认知, 大脑, and Language Team (CoBALT) studies the association between impairments of cognition, 情感 & language in acquired brain injury and the brain systems that underlie them. 目的是确定导致脑系统功能障碍的变量(生物标志物或行为),并确定其作为预后预测因子的价值. 这项工作的长期目标是了解这些预测因子是否可以靶向并优化影响这些神经系统变化的治疗. 在UNH期间,Dr. Ramage has served on several Departmental, 大学, 以及大学委员会,包括那些通过教师发展和澳门葡京网赌游戏计划向学生和教师提供资金的委员会, Dissertation Year Fellowships, and the Collaborative 研究 Excellence (CoRE) initiatives. 多年来,她一直担任哈默尔中心和荣誉项目联络员,对提供高水平的服务感兴趣, scholarly activities to all students across the curriculum. 自2021年以来,她一直担任教员参议员,并于2022-23年担任学术项目委员会主席. 工作之余, 她渴望能看遍北海道所有52个可欣赏风景的地方,并有一天能看到484000英尺的地方.

将微笑 is an Assistant 教授essor in the Humanities Program. 他是研究中东、欧亚、奥斯曼帝国和国际法的历史学家. Dr. 斯迈利获得了博士学位.D. from the University of Cambridge, his J.D. 从耶鲁大学法学院毕业, 他在犹他大学获得硕士学位,在希尔斯代尔学院获得学士学位. 他的第一本书, “From Slaves to Prisoners of War: The Ottoman Empire, 俄罗斯, and International Law” (Oxford University Press, 2018), 在两个帝国长达几个世纪的竞争背景下,研究了围绕囚禁和奴隶制的战争规则的出现, 奥斯曼帝国和俄国, which defined the future of the Middle East and Eurasia. He has been a member of the 教师参议院 since 2020, never having known a time when the Senate was in-person.


维迪雅桑达尔 (她/她)是 New Hampshire大学的职业治疗(OT)副教授. She received her 本科 degree in Occupational Therapy from Dr. MGR Medical University, India, and her Ph.D. in Rehabilitation Science from University of Buffalo. 在UNH, Dr. Sundar教毕业生, 本科, and inter-disciplinary coursework related to inclusive workplace practices, 工人康复, and research methods and statistics. 她于2018年获得CHHS杰出新研究者奖,并于2017年获得卓越合作奖. Dr. Sundar leads the Positive Work Experiences 研究 (PoWER) group, 她目前的研究重点是残疾人职业发展和进步的干预项目. 她的研究得到了联邦机构和社区生活管理等私人基金会的资助, 老龄管理, Substance Abuse and Mental 健康 Administration, Social Security Administration, 和凯斯勒基金会. 在UNH, Dr. Sundar has served on several departmental, college and university committees including the Presidential 搜索 Committee, the CHHS Academic Affairs Committee, 教师参议院 Agenda Committee, and GSC Merger Governance committee. Dr. Sundar has been a member of the 教师 Senate since 2019.   

Agenda Committee for 2023-2024

  • 维迪雅桑达尔,主席
  • Jeffrey Halpern, Vice-Chair
  • James Connell, Member-at-Large
  • 艾米鲸, Member-at-Large
  • 将微笑, Member-at-Large
  • Matthew MacManes, Past Chair

Agenda Committee for 2022-2023

  • 马修·麦克马尼斯,主席
  • 副主席维迪雅桑达尔
  • James Connell, Member-at-Large
  • Jeffrey Halpern, Member-at-Large
  • Andrew Seal, Member-at-Large
  • Kevin Healey, past Chair, Ex-Officio Member

Agenda Committee Membership 2021-2022

  • Chair: Kevin Healey, Communications, COLA
  • Vice Chair: Matthew MacManes, MCBS, COLSA
  • James Connell, Physics, CEPS
  • 维迪雅桑达尔, Occupational Therapy, CHHS
  • Harriet Fertik, Classics, Humanities, and Italian Studies, COLA (Fall 2021)
  • Kathrine Aydelotte, 图书馆 (Spring 2022)

Agenda Committee Membership 2020-2021

  • Chair:  Erin Sharp, Human Development & 家庭研究,CHHS
  • Vice Chair:  Kevin Healey, Communication, COLA, Vice  Chair (elected on 11/2/20)
  • Past Chair:  David Bachrach, History, COLA 
  • Ann Bartow, UNH法律
  • James Connell, Physics, CEPS
  • Allison Wilder, 娱乐 Management and Policy, CHHS (elected on 11/2/20)

注:Rosemarie Came,地球科学,cps,担任副主席从5/04/20 - 11/2/20