

现在是北半球的冬天, 我们中的滑雪者热切地等待着第一个蓝鸟日, 当太阳从刚刚落下的雪中升起,蓝天在召唤. 艾米丽·拉森肯定是其中之一. 但, 然后, 拉森最近过得很愉快, 虽然还没下雪.

16岁的艾米丽·拉尔森来自科罗拉多州博尔德市., native who came to 主要研究 in the fall of 2012 to study exercise science and take her place on the Nordic ski team. 如果一个大学运动员的日程安排让她抓狂, you can’t tell; she has the friendly, 悠闲的举止是许多科罗拉多人的典型特征.

So when talking to Larson about two awards she received recently at the New England American College of 体育 Medicine’s (NEACSM) annual meeting in Providence, 罗德岛州, 你可能不会觉得它们有什么大不了的. 但是它们是.

蒂莫西·奎因, 运动学教授, 他说:“赢得其中一个奖项真的令人印象深刻, 但同时获得这两项殊荣是前所未有的.”


拉尔森获得了罗伯特S. Axtell Undergraduate Scholarship and the NEACSM Student Investigator Undergraduate Award. The Axtell award recognizes the most outstanding undergraduate exercise science student in all of New England. The student investigator award recognizes the research she conducted under Quinn’s guidance during the past year and her presentation of that research at the NEACSM meeting.

Larson is the first student in the 主要研究 健康与人类服务学院 to receive both awards in the same year.

Her research examined the cardiac characteristics of collegiate Nordic skiers in order to identify any abnormalities in the electrical conduction system of the heart.

“越野滑雪者, 后来的生活, 房颤的发病率增加了吗,拉尔森解释道. “我想看看,在大学层面,是否有任何先例.”

这是第一次针对这个年龄段的研究. The idea for the project came to Larson during an electrocardiogram class during the 2014 fall semester when Quinn was talking about the electrical differences between endurance athletes and others. 拉尔森一直在寻找一个研究课题, and the prospect of delving deeper into one near and dear to her heart — she’s been cross-country skiing since she was 12 — appealed to her. 拉尔森说:“我很幸运能找到它。. “我觉得这是完美的.”

那年秋天,她 对有关这个问题的所有研究进行了详尽的调查,并获得了一项研究资助 健康与人类服务学院 并获得了监督人体研究的联合国大学董事会的批准. 然后, 去年春天滑雪季节一结束, 她把队友叫到罗伯特·克策运动生理学实验室, 收集他们的高度, weight and blood pressure and hooked them up with wires to conduct 12 lead electrocardiograms. During the summer, she did the same with a control group of inactive college students.

然后 she crunched the data and hurried to submit it to NEACSM for consideration for its annual meeting — a fruitful endeavor.

“What we found was pretty much what you would expect to happen with endurance athletes — bigger, 强大的心, 心率变慢——你想要的一切都发生了. 我们的问题是, if we were to follow these same skiers and they were to continue training throughout their whole lifetime, 这些指标将如何变好或变坏?拉尔森说.

奎因形容拉森是一个“深思熟虑的人”, 聪明而好奇的研究者,“安静而自信”.”



拉尔森和她的队友们作为一个团队,每周锻炼六天. You’ve probably seen them roller skiing around Durham and may have caught a glimpse of them on Long Sands Beach in nearby York, 缅因州(见“粉的日子?),或者在运动场的举重房里练习. Among Larson’s favorite workouts: running through College Woods and on the trails at Kingman Farm.

这一切都不会发生. 奎恩,”她说. “他真的帮助我了解了心血管研究, 他是我的项目成功的重要原因,她说。. “I am really thankful to him for all the help and advice he gave me throughout the process.”

She hopes to continue with cardiovascular research, and graduate school is a possibility.

这将是该领域的福音, 据奎因说, 谁说拉尔森给她的奖学金带来了独特的优势.

“I’ve seen her train in the heat of summer, autumn rain and driving snow of winter,” Quinn says. “She is so dedicated to her sport and to being the very best Nordic skier she can be. 这需要纪律, 有效管理时间的能力, the ability to handle stress … Emily brings all of those athletic skills and coping mechanisms to the research laboratory.”

对艾米丽·拉尔森来说,这是一个蓝鸟学期,现在她要休息一下了. 她回博尔德的家了, 在那里,丰富的降雪覆盖了城市和附近的山坡, 而延长的天气预报只要求阳光和蓝天.

Larson will return to New Hampshire in early January to join her teammates in the White Mountains for ski camp.



Why would a high-school senior and Nordic skier from powder country choose to attend college in the icy east?

16岁的艾米丽·拉尔森, 澳门葡京网赌游戏提供的校长奖学金和体育奖学金帮助她说服了自己, 北欧滑雪队的席位也是如此.

“这里要冷得多,”她确认道. “但天气仍然很好,新英格兰有它舒适的冬季魅力. 这绝对是一种调整,但并不坏.”

An adjustment in more ways than one: Larson says when skiing at a lower altitude (the Durham campus is just 43 feet above sea level) “your legs start to hurt before your lungs. 在家里,你的肺比你的腿更重要. 这是你必须习惯的.”

拉森真是太幸运了, the last two winters have seen New England’s snowfall totals surpass those of the Centennial State.

+, here she gets to train in a way she would never be able to in the landlocked west — on beach sand at the Atlantic shore, 她说,这种锻炼“绝对能吸引眼球”.” Video

拉尔森还喜欢到不同的比赛场地旅行. “I feel like I get to see the east, whereas I wouldn’t normally be able to experience that.”

Her favorite days are when it snows on campus and she and her teammates can ski in the loop. “You can just wake up and put on your skis right there — it’s really convenient and fun.”

拉尔森也会在高山滑雪,他会在寒假期间安排大量的滑雪活动. 回家, 她很喜欢蒸汽船, 但, 她说, “如果雪是对的, 如果时机合适的话, 我很乐意去任何地方.”























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