
The University of New Hampshire in conjunction with the Currier Museum of Art in Manchester, NH is sponsoring a series of events in the winter and spring of 2016 to commemorate the 400th威廉·莎士比亚逝世纪念日. Key among the activities is an exhibition of an original First Folio of Shakespeare’s plays, 出版于1623年, 将于4月9日至5月1日在柯里尔博物馆展出, 2016. 展览及所有相关活动均免费向公众开放.

全国巡回展览“第一对开本”! 《给我们莎士比亚的书" is an initiative of the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington, DC, in partnership with the Cincinnati Museum Center and the American Library Association. During 2016, the First Folio will tour all 50 states, Washington, DC and Puerto Rico. 这些地点包括23个博物馆, 20所大学, 五个公共图书馆, 三个历史学会和一个剧院. The Folger and its partners reviewed hundreds of potential applicant sites before making their final selections. 柯里尔博物馆是新罕布什尔州唯一的主办地点.

“《澳门葡京网赌游戏》让我们认识了莎士比亚. 在这本书的封面之间,我们发现了他最著名的人物——哈姆雷特, 苔丝狄蒙娜, 科迪莉亚, 麦克白, 罗密欧, Juliet and hundreds of others — speaking words that continue to move and inspire us,迈克尔·威特莫尔说, 福尔杰·莎士比亚图书馆馆长. “莎士比亚讲述人类故事的方式无人能及……. 我们很高兴能分享这宝贵的资源……."

《澳门葡京网赌游戏》收录了莎士比亚38部戏剧中的36部, 包括在那卷书中首次出版的18部戏剧. 福尔杰莎士比亚图书馆收藏了82本《澳门葡京网赌游戏》, by far the largest collection in the world and more than a third of the 233 known copies in existence today. 最有价值的印刷书籍之一,第一对开本售价6美元.2001年在佳士得拍了200万美元,另一幅拍了5美元.2006年在伦敦有200万.

"Bringing the First Folio to the Currier is a wonderful opportunity for New Hampshire residents, students and scholars alike to see firsthand the publication that made the argument for Shakespeare’s genius,道格拉斯·拉尼尔说, 联合国大学英语教授, 谁共同赞助了Currier主机站点申请.

The 主要研究 Department of English and the Currier Museum of Art have developed additional programming around the exhibit to enhance the exhibit experience and celebrate Shakespeare’s life, 在四百周年纪念之际的工作和持久影响.


在一场内容广泛、内容有趣的演讲中,奥巴马. 福尔克, 著名的科学记者, will address Shakespeare’s knowledge about and use of Renaissance science in his plays.

This award-winning documentary will introduce you to the inspiring work of Curt Tofteland, 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》的创始人和导演, 一个在俄亥俄州为囚犯举办的莎士比亚表演项目.

Lecture by Curt Tofteland, 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》的创始人和导演 
Mr. Tofteland, 他是监狱项目中莎士比亚的先驱, will speak about his work and about Shakespeare as a tool for social rehabilitation and personal discovery.


Join us on the lawn of Thompson Hall for performance of Shakespearean excerpts by students of the 主要研究 Theater Department.


2016年4月9日上午10点.m. – 1 p.m.
Events include a “make-your-own-folio” art activity and a family-friendly Shakespeare performance.

A discussion between University of Massachusetts-Lowell Professor Kevin Petersen and 主要研究-Manchester Professor Susanne Paterson about Shakespeare’s enduring place in American culture, 特别强调流行文化和电影. 讲座结束后,我们将参观“收藏连接”. 

与St的生动对话. Anselm College Professor Landis Magnuson and 主要研究 Professor Douglas Lanier about the First Folio as a historical document and a living text. Theatre KAPOW will perform scenes from Hamlet and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, 还有曼彻斯特社区音乐学校的现场音乐表演. 

欲了解更多有关展览的信息,请访问“第一对开本”! 《给我们莎士比亚的书,以及在柯里尔艺术博物馆举办的活动, 请访问柯里尔博物馆网站 http://www.currier.org/.

有关在主要研究 Durham校园发生的事件的更多信息, 请浏览英语系网站 http://cola.主要研究.edu/shakesquad.