主要研究学生Max Miller在Holloway竞赛中.

2017年 保罗J. 霍洛威奖竞赛 于周二结束, 大赢家是Droppn, 最初叫做Droppit, 一个新的社交信息平台. The Championship Round was down to a final six teams out of the 73 that entered the multi-track competition. 争夺保罗J. Holloway Prize takes students out of the classroom and into the real world to develop products or services and present their plans to bring them to market. 前六名队伍争夺大约100美元的奖金,000美元的奖金用于投资公司和产品, the top prize went to the Droppn team of Max Miller '20 and Sam Warach '17, 和指导老师一起 伊恩·格兰特(Ian Grant)是彼得T. 保罗创业中心. The full results of this year’s competition are available 在这里.

杰里米Gasowski | 主要研究营销 | 杰里米.gasowski@wxyxsteel.com | 603-862-4465