
Car driving on flooded roadway


詹妮弗·雅各布斯, 联合国大学土木与环境工程教授,基础设施与气候网络联合主任. 布鲁克斯·帕耶特摄.

主要研究 professor 詹妮弗·雅各布斯 was a lead author on the landmark Fourth National Climate Assessment released last week by 13 government agencies. 雅各布斯教授 civil and environmental engineering该报告的负责人 交通运输, 他们发现气候变化将削弱我国交通基础设施的能力,而交通基础设施是经济活动的支柱, 安全高效.

海平面上升, 沿海洪水, 大雨和大雪, 热, 森林大火, 冻融循环:我们知道这些都在随着气候的变化而变化,雅各布斯说。, co-director of the national organization The Infrastructure and Climate Network 也是研究气候变化对交通基础设施影响的权威专家. “These impacts are taking a negative toll on our roads, 桥梁 and even 铁路 and air travel networks.”

海平面上升, 沿海洪水, 大雨和大雪, 热, 森林大火, 冻融循环:这些影响对我们的道路造成了负面影响, 桥梁 and even 铁路 and air travel networks.”

America’s transportation assets — roads, 桥梁, 隧道, 机场, 铁路, 港口和公共交通——尤其容易受到沿海洪水和海平面上升的气候变化影响, heavy precipitation and 热. “People often don’t think about 热 related to transportation, but so many of our systems break down in extreme 热,雅各布斯说。. “We have 铁路roads that are warping, planes that can’t take off or land, roads and 桥梁 that are buckling, public transit systems that aren’t air conditioned.”

该报告还评估并记录了美国农村社区对气候相关破坏的脆弱性. “这对我来说真的很重要,雅各布斯说。, 以飓风艾琳在佛蒙特州造成的破坏为例. “In a lot of these small communities, you’ve got one road in and one road out, and they don’t have the resources, either financial or personnel, to really be able to recover from extreme events. Years can go by before they’re fully recovered.”

In addition to 詹妮弗·雅各布斯, 主要研究 professor of civil and environmental engineering, several other 主要研究 researchers contributed to the Fourth National Climate Assessment, 该报告警告说,到本世纪末,气候变化可能会使美国经济萎缩10%. 雅各布斯的Ph值.D. 学生杰恩·诺特, 玛丽Stampone, 1941届地理学副教授和新罕布什尔州气候学家, 乔·索尔兹伯里, 联合国大学海洋过程分析实验室的研究副教授为该研究做出了贡献 东北区; and Ph.D. student Melissa Meléndez Oyola contributed to the section on the U.S. 加勒比.

雅各布斯两年前开始参与国家气候评估, an all-volunteer process she calls “a huge lift, 但令人惊奇.“现在, 她说, it’s time to put her scientific contributions, and those of more than 300 other experts, 转化为行动.

“在过去的四年里,我们对交通脆弱性有了很多了解,她说。. “然而,我们仍然没有采取行动保护我们的资产不受这些漏洞的影响. That’s the current challenge.”