
We know incoming freshmen and their families have a lot of questions about the academic, 文化和社会氛围 中曼彻斯特. That's why we're introducing you to the Peer Assistant Leaders (PALs) who help first-year students adjust to campus life. 本周的搭档是23岁的凯蒂·莱杰 英语教学专业 毕业于伦敦德里高中.




Definitely get involved and never be afraid to ask for help if you get stuck along the way.


我真的很想一边上学一边工作, 所以我发现曼彻斯特大学是我最好的选择!


My favorite class so far has been Writing About Literature with Professor Walsh because all of the readings we did for the class were super interesting and lead to some really good class discussions.


In 10 years from now I hope to have obtained my Master of Education degree and found a school to teach at. 我也希望自己健康快乐,有自己的房子. I hope that I am still loving the world of education and working towards another degree.


  • 曼彻斯特的餐厅:桥咖啡馆
  • 新罕布什尔州目的地在怀特山脉的任何地方
  • 的度假胜地:阿鲁巴岛
  • 电影: 在我醒来之前
  • : 安全的避风港 尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯


If I could travel anywhere in the world I would definitely go to Australia. Sydney Australia looks so beautiful—I hope I’ll be able to check it off my bucket list in the future!


当我年轻的时候, I always dreamed of being a teacher because I had some amazing teachers growing up who always went above and beyond. 直到今天,我的梦想都没有太大改变, I hope one day I’ll have the same positive impact my teachers had on me to my future students.



If you could try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?

If I could try anything and not fail I would love to be a celebrity make-up artist.

If you could go on a road trip with anyone (from the past or present), 你会选择谁,你会去哪里?

If I could go on a road trip with anyone, I would bring Salvador Dalí and Frida Kahlo. Both are famous artists from the past who I’d love to be able to talk to in person just about their lives and inspirations for their work. I would probably road trip across the coast in Mexico because of the beautiful views and the nice weather.


在曼彻斯特提供世界一流的主要研究教育, 中曼彻斯特 has undergraduate and graduate programs in today's high-demand fields. 了解更多信息,现在申请2021年春季或秋季. 了解更多