Grant will support a virtual learning community for health care providers


主要研究的 卫生政策和实践研究所 (IHPP)是一项为期五年、价值2亿美元的计划的合作伙伴之一.37 million grant that will help health care providers and communities address the impacts of COVID-19 in northern New England and northern New York, with a focus on the mental and physical well-being of residents living in rural communities.

Called the Collaborative for Advancing Rural Excellence and Equity (CARE2), the initiative is funded by the 健康 Resources and Service Administration (HRSA) and will focus on the northern regions of New Hampshire, 缅因州, Vermont and New York – areas that have large rural sections with aging populations. Isolation issues among the aging population have worsened due to the pandemic, 同时药物使用率也在上升. 除了, a shrinking health care workforce in these regions has further heightened the need for resources that will help providers reach more adults and families who are in need of services.

“We are grateful for this opportunity to stand with providers and the individuals they support to address mental health and cognitive health effects from COVID-19 and isolation,劳拉·戴维说, 他是IHPP老龄化和社区生活中心的联合主任. “Now is especially the time to bring the region together to address the challenges older people have experienced, both within long-term care facilities and in home and community-based settings.”

CARE2 will develop a learning community for a broad spectrum of health care providers based on the national 项目回声® IHPP于2018年推出的模型. The project will include a review of the effects of emerging COVID-19 variants as well as the impacts of isolation and lack of access to treatment for substance use disorder and behavioral health issues. 项目回声® is an evidence-based method that connects interdisciplinary experts with community-based practitioners to mentor and share expertise through case-based learning sessions. The model enables practitioners in rural areas to manage complex health-related conditions in their own communities. IHPP was the first to launch 项目回声® in New Hampshire and is a formal ECHO Hub partner.

“自2018年以来, IHPP已经有超过1,000名医疗保健成员参加了ECHO项目,玛西·道尔说, IHPP临床和质量改进主任. “This funding will help us further enhance workforce efforts across the region in the areas of behavioral health, 物质使用障碍治疗,长期护理和老龄支持.”

主要研究 is collaborating with Medical Care Development’s Northeast Telehealth Resource Center to implement the CARE2 program, 新英格兰大学也加入其中, 佛蒙特大学和缅因大学.

大卫·沃格特 | 主要研究营销