
Monday, June 12, 2023

Shari Robinson, assistant vice provost for student life at UNH, 分享了为什么她认为我们的大学社区和新罕布什尔海岸社区停下来纪念六月节是如此重要. Also known as Freedom Day or Emancipation Day, 六月节是纪念美国奴隶解放的日子, when Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas on June 19, 1865 and announced the end of slavery, 在《澳门葡京网赌游戏》签署两年半之后.

“这是一个让社区参与讨论的机会, events and initiatives that promote understanding, inclusivity and equality,” Robinson says. “By acknowledging the significance of Juneteenth, 新罕布什尔海岸可以为更大范围的种族正义对话做出贡献, 培养同理心,加强对多元化和包容性社区的承诺. Recognizing Juneteenth is a path to true celebration.”

如果你想参加当地的六月节庆祝活动,这里有 many community events scheduled in the Seacoast area to honor the day, 包括朴茨茅斯和埃克塞特的节日活动.

Scott Ripley | UNH Marketing | scott.ripley@wxyxsteel.com | 603-862-1855