
资源 类别 办公室 类型
Legal Assistance
Access to Justice For Everyone
倡议, ”+, People of Color, People with Disabilities, 女性 公民权利 & 股本的办公室 Regional/State 组织
主要研究's only social justice theatre troupe. We use the art of acting to promote social change and spread awareness of prevalent social justice issu...
倡议 主要研究 学生 组织
学生 Environmental Action Coalition
Organization devoted to solving environmental issues through education, 宣传, and environmental activism.
观众: 学生
倡议 主要研究 学生 组织
Organic Garden Club
We aim to foster campus-community involvement in learning about organic agriculture, 如何打理花园, and where our food comes from!
观众: 学生
倡议 主要研究 学生 组织
Civic and 社区 Engagement
Leads 主要研究 students into the world to serve.
观众: 学生
倡议 Civic and 社区 Engagement Campus 资源
的 办公室 of International 学生s and 澳门葡京网赌游戏 (OISS)
Provides immigration advising and support and coordinates programs to bring our international, campus and local communities together.
观众: 学生
倡议, People of Color 主要研究全球 Campus 资源
SHARPP Violence Prevention 项目
SHARPP’s prevention education trainings are informed by the CDC’s recommendations on sexual violence prevention and research-based best practices. 的...
Direct Action for Incarcerated Survivors
"Direct Action for Incarcerated Survivors is an awareness campaign paired with a series of action-centered 宣传 programs for 主要研究 students, fa...
倡议 Sexual Harassment and Rape Prevention Program (SHARPP)
多样性 Dashboard
Publicly available racial and ethnic diversity data on students, faculty and staff
Beyond the Border: Critical Dialogue Series
This series is dedicated to engaging New Hampshire-based practitioners of equity and inclusion with their peers outside of the Granite state. 作为美军陆军...