


Making a gift in tribute to someone who has been important in your life is a special way to honor a legacy, keep a memory alive and share with future generations what has been meaningful to you. So many opportunities available to UNH students are created and sustained by such gifts.

Designating your tribute gift of any size to support an area of UNH that you care about makes it even more meaningful.


  • 杰奎琳·卢卡·塔布

    纪念: 杰奎琳·卢卡·塔布

    杰奎琳·卢卡·塔布 never let the relapsing and remitting health issues that factored into most of her 35 years color her outlook on life. A perpetual optimist who could find a silver lining in the most challenging situation, 杰姬全身心地投入到女儿的生活中, 一个妹妹, 妻子和母亲.

    Jackie loved to travel — she went to Germany as an exchange student at age 16 — and had an eye for art and architecture. 在UNH,她主修艺术史,辅修德语. 毕业后, 她在弗吉尼亚大学继续她的学业, where she studied architectural preservation and fell in love — first with the city of Charlottesville, 后来和她的丈夫, Shareef. 2012年,这对夫妇迎来了他们的第一个孩子,一个名叫莱思的儿子. Jackie was pregnant with a son named Ramzey when she developed medical complications to which she succumbed on Dec. 31, 2013.

    她死后, 成龙的父母, 波琳和乔治·米汉, 用一个雕塑纪念他们的女儿——一个长凳, 在她位于哈弗希尔的中学外面,一只鞋子的形状, 麻萨诸塞州. Shortly after the bench was installed, Pauline spoke about her daughter’s generous spirit. “她对人非常仁慈,”她说。, “always looked at things in a positive light and was a very selfless and giving person.”

    Jackie’s family and friends also came together to establish an endowed scholarship in her name at UNH. 资金充足时, The Jaclyn Tahboub Memorial Scholarship will provide merit-based scholarship support to rising seniors majoring in art history as well as students with a minor in architectural studies or an interest in architectural design or historic preservation. 为了纪念杰基, her family hopes the recipients of her scholarship will be community-minded and demonstrate a passion for helping others.

  • 莫莉B. 康纳利

    纪念: 莫莉B. 康纳利

    当她12岁的孩子上幼儿园时, 莫莉·康纳利回到了学校, 作为一名本科生进入UNH. She would go on to earn her master’s here and return to UNH to teach in the family studies program for 20 years, 在2016年退役之前,给他带来了令人难忘的影响.

    而莫莉看到她自己的许多孙子都从UNH毕业, 她也成为无数其他学生的良师益友, 比如14岁的安德鲁·米尼根, 谁在他的博客上写东西, “莫利·康纳利是校园里非正式的‘住校奶奶’. 虽然莫莉教的是人类发展, 她的课都涉及到爱的主题, 同理心, 理解与成长.”

    “My mum loved being in the classroom and especially enjoyed sharing her knowledge with students,她的女儿希拉·康纳利说. 为了纪念她母亲对联合国大学的承诺,以及她帮助改变的生活, 希拉筹钱建了一个花岗岩长凳以纪念莫莉.

    总共有22位捐赠者为纪念馆捐款. Joe Tarr ’16, one of those donors, writes, “I watched her be such a role model to so many students. I have very fond memories with Molly where we both laughed until we cried and cried until we laughed. 我们将永远怀念她.”

    正如希拉总结的那样, “I am pleased that UNH will dedicate a granite bench in honor of my mum so there will be a place that students of Professor 康纳利 — and family and friends of Molly — can sit a while and reflect on her gift and her calling to teach with passion and commitment for our future generations.”

  • 克利夫兰·霍华德踢足球

    纪念: 91年的克利夫兰霍华德

    Cleveland Howard ’91 was the kind of person who still makes people’s eyes light up when you mention his name. 仔细想想,这给世界留下了一笔不错的遗产.


    华仔的一些同学, 包括91届的詹姆斯·泰德福德, 迈克·登斯莫尔,91年, 91年的托德·贝克和91年的道格·穆恩, have established the Cleveland “Howie” Howard III ’91 Memorial Scholarship Fund to recognize their classmate, 谁在2014年11月去世了.

    “He was too big a person on campus for us not to create a legacy,” adds Densmore.

    Explains Baker, “We are lifelong friends and we want others to share similar experiences at UNH. Hopefully, the Howard Scholarship will inspire students to live extraordinary lives.”


  • 唐·哈雷合影

    纪念: 哈利不

    25年来, 哈利不’s official UNH job title may have been treasurer of the student activity fee, 但他最为人铭记的是他作为几代学生领袖的导师. A lifelong learner, he also had a teacher’s gift and instinct for passing his wisdom on to others.

    哈利于2002年死于心脏病发作, but he is still making an impact at UNH through the scholarship fund that his widow, 琼, 还有他的家人, 成立于2003年的朋友和前学生雇员. Three donors to the fund are among the many who still feel Harley’s presence in their lives.

    “唐在我相信自己之前就相信了我,83岁的凯茜·桑德斯说, 普特南投资公司注册投资咨询业务主管. She met Harley when she was the student manager for the UNH Job Board and credits him for the opportunities she had to meet business leaders around the Seacoast. “他给我的礼物我每天都在体验. 他从来没有为我浪费时间,也没有停止指导我或提升我.”

  • 尼尔。虽然

    纪念: 尼尔·弗罗曼,副院长兼教授

    When longtime UNH professor and associate dean of the College of 健康 and Human Services passed away in 2016, 他的家人, 包括UNH职业治疗教授Kerryellen Vroman, 创造了尼尔B. 罗曼纪念基金奖学金. They invited friends and colleagues to honor his boisterous spirit and love of education by donating to help future students.

    现在是他的妹妹丽莎·罗曼, 抒情女高音和舞台剧演员, 用她的歌曲天赋来纪念他的遗产和支持尼尔·B. 通过一场仅限一晚的音乐会获得罗曼纪念基金奖学金, 《澳门葡京网赌游戏》,“星期六”, 4月28日, 达勒姆.

    “尼尔和我因为对音乐的热爱而联系在一起, 所以我知道这是我能做出的贡献,罗曼说。, who has appeared on Broadway and is a frequent guest soloist with theatre and opera companies and orchestras around the world.


  • 罗森菲尔德教授

    致敬: 校友尊敬他的教授

    他在澳门葡京网赌游戏一年级后的那个夏天, Jim Curtis ’99 developed some troubling health symptoms that would ultimately require him to take a leave of absence from college: numbness in his left foot that spread to his leg and thigh, 偏头痛和严重的背部疼痛使他一瘸一拐. 挣扎着熬过大二, 他向他的一位导师吐露心声, 传播学和修辞学助理教授劳伦斯·罗森菲尔德说.

    尽管这段对话发生在20多年前, 柯蒂斯对这段对话的记忆就像昨天发生的一样. “罗森菲尔德教授给了我一个拥抱,说:‘吉姆,你会没事的. 一切都会好起来的.’”

    罗森菲尔德教授’s support has come full circle: Curtis established a scholarship in Rosenfield’s name, 向教授的善良和积极表示敬意.


  • 内特·米勒拿着两瓶啤酒

    纪念: 内特·米勒08

    内特·米勒08 proposed to his girlfriend 杰西卡 Kukla ’08 in the perfect place: the start line of a collegiate cycling race.

    Cycling was one of the passions the two shared through their undergrad years at UNH and beyond, 杰西卡说. 

    “骑自行车带我们走遍了世界, opening so many doors for us through that shared passion that transcended language barriers and cultural differences,她说。.
    5月17日, 2017, 内森在去上班的路上, 在特洛克骑自行车, 加州, 他被一个驾车人撞死了.

    现在, 杰西卡, 还有内特的野猫队朋友, are honoring his legacy by making memorial gifts in his name to the UNH Cycling program. 通过他们的慷慨, 内特的遗产会在他们死后继续存在, 和他的野猫队朋友们, UNH自行车运动员, 过去的自行车手知道他有多热爱这项运动.

    “他死于自己热爱的事业, so it is an honor to Nate to give back to the organization that meant so much to us,杰西卡说。. 他和杰西卡有一个女儿吉赛尔.
