


工人赔偿是一项保险计划,为工伤和疾病支付医疗和残疾福利. 在新罕布什尔州的管辖下 工人补偿法RSA 281-A, 每个员工都有保险, 包括教师, 工作人员, 学生员工, 临时工和临时工.

有时很难知道一个人的伤害/疾病是否会得到工人赔偿. Although the university does not make the decisions as to whether a person’s injuries/illness is covered, 我们可以向您提供一般指导方针,供我们的第三方管理员在作出这些决定时使用. Please realize that while we can give you the general guidelines, 索赔仍处于许多“灰色地带”.” If you have questions regarding a specific case, please feel free to call the 人力资源福利组 HR.好处@usnh.edu 或在 (603) 862-0504 这样我们可以更详细地和你讨论.

《澳门葡京网赌游戏》 - A one page fact sheet describing the benefits concerning 工人的补偿.

Department managers and supervisors need to be familiar with this information. 作为一名经理或主管,您将负责按照新罕布什尔州劳工部的规定执行学校的工人补偿政策.

We recommend you don’t wait until an employee has an injury before you read this. We hope this reference will be a useful tool and we welcome any comments or suggestions.


工人赔偿是一种“无过错”制度,保护雇员免受工资损失,并支付因工作而受伤或患上职业病的医疗费用. 大学与MEMIC签订合同 (有效4/1/19) 管理申索.

福利结构规定了受伤工人在因工作或在工作过程中受伤时有权获得的补助. 好处 available depend on the nature and severity of the worker’s injury. 潜在的好处是:

  • 医疗护理-你有权接受所有合理需要的医疗和住院治疗,以治愈或减轻你的工伤. The insurance carrier pays these fees directly to the physician.
  • 残疾津贴-暂时残疾-这些津贴将根据州法律和大学政策进行支付. 如果你不能工作超过三天,你就有资格获得员工平均周薪的60%的收入. The average weekly wage is determined using the average of earnings for the 26 weeks prior to the injury.
  • 里程发还表格 - The injured employee may be reimbursed for mileage accumulated for all doctor and PT appointments.





仅限医疗索赔:NH州医疗账单的支付/拒绝截止日期为工人赔偿保险公司收到账单之日起30天.  You will receive written notification if a medical bill is denied. A copy of the denial will also be sent to the medical provider. 在医疗索赔被拒绝后,雇员有责任向医疗提供者提供其私人保险信息或安排支付服务费用.

损失时间(赔偿)索赔:支付/拒绝损失时间索赔的截止日期为工人赔偿保险公司第一次收到任何损失时间通知之日起21天. 一旦他们被告知任何丢失的时间, 然后,他们有21天的时间进行彻底调查,并决定支付或否认索赔. If you are unable to work, you will have to use your accrued leave until a decision has been made. On all lost time claims you will be notified of  decision in writing.

Appealing a Denial: After receiving a denial on a claim, you may request a hearing at the Department of Labor in order to dispute the denial. Hearings are before administrative officers at the Department of Labor building in Concord, NH. You have up to 18 months from the date of denial to request a hearing.


The university requires injuries be reported 24小时内 of occurence. 新罕布什尔州法律规定:RSA 281-A:19“受伤的工人从受伤之日起有两(2)年的时间通知雇主他/她的受伤情况,以便索赔. 如果职业病是逐渐发展的,而索赔人没有立即认识到伤害, 申索人必须提供他/她所知道的日期, 或者通过合理的努力应该知道, the nature of the injury and its possible relationship to the employment."

请记住, 保险公司有责任彻底调查每一项索赔,以确定索赔是否合法可赔偿. 因此, 为了避免以后索赔的问题, do not delay in filing a report when an injury occurs.


如果你的员工在工作事故中受伤/生病,你首先需要送他们去接受治疗(如果认为有必要的话). If the injury/illness appears life threatening, call 911.

Employees who require immediate medical attention for work related injury/illness during regular office hours, 但在没有生命危险的情况下,可以选择向自己选择的医疗机构寻求治疗.

Recommended medical providers in the area include:

是不是健康 & 健康
(603) 862-4584 (HLTH)

李,NH 03861
Monday-Friday 10 am-8pm
周六/周日9 am-7pm
(603) 868-8507

Somersworth, NH 03878
Monday-Friday 8 am-7pm
周六9 am-2pm
(603) 692-6066




All reasonable and appropriate medical expenses for treatment of your work related injury will be paid. 这些费用包括, 但不限于, 看医生, 治疗师, 诊断测试, 处方及医疗相关 里程发还表格. Please forward all bills related to your injury to MEMIC, 使用人力资源福利部门在报告时提供给您的索赔信息向工人赔偿承运人索赔.


根据NH法律,你必须满足三天的等待期,才有资格获得每周收入损失补偿福利,并将被要求使用他们的累计休假余额. You will be compensated for the first three days of disability if you remain out of work for more than 14 days.

工人的补偿 Payment and Leave Supplements





1 - 3天






根据新劳工法,受伤工人在因工伤而失业时,将获得其受伤前平均周薪的60%. These benefit payments are issued by the insurance company on a weekly basis and are tax free.


学校允许员工使用累计休假来补充工人补偿未涵盖的40%部分. The injured employee is required to fill out the Workers 补偿 Accrued Time/Overpayment Agreement form and submit the completed form to the Workers 补偿 Coordinator.  一旦你的累计休假余额用尽,受伤的工人将在大学无薪休假,只要他们没有工作.


  • If immediate medical attention is necessary, assist employee. For more information refer to 医疗
  • 指导员工完成 UNH事故/伤害/疾病报告 24小时内
  • Advise employee about disability payments (loss wages). 参见工人补偿福利
  • Advise employee regarding the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) if out for more than five days
  • Keep the HR 工人的补偿 Coordinator informed such as:
    a) Verify if employee is working, or last day of work if out
    d) If there are any concerns or the condition worsens
  • Investigate the accident, obtaining all details possible. If an accident results in a serious injury, contact Environmental 健康 and 安全 (EH&S)立即
  • 每周保持联系, with the injured employee to ensure a smooth transitive back to pre-injury status
  • 立即纠正不安全状况
  • Identify return-to-work options to find light or alternative duties that will get the employee back to work


  • Inform supervisor of injuries or illness immediately
  • 填写员工部分 UNH事故/伤害/疾病报告
  • 寻求适当的医疗照顾
  • Inform your doctor that modified duty will be provided if released with restrictions
  • 每次看医生后,向你的主管和工人赔偿协调员提供NH工人赔偿医疗表格
  • Notify supervisor in advance of doctor or therapy appointments
  • 与主管保持沟通
  • Report any unsafe working conditions or hazards  


澳门葡京网赌游戏制定了一项工人补偿临时替代工作计划(TAWP). This program is designed to develop temporary alternate work opportunities for injured employees. The TAWP prefers to establish work in the injured employee's home department. 主要案例管理团队将与人力资源部门一起筛选就业申请和大学可能拥有的其他空缺职位,以寻找满意的临时合适人选. It temporary work is established outside of the employing department, the salary of the employee will be split equally between the home and outside departments. When absolutely necessary, alternative methods of funding will be investigated. If you have any questions about this program, please contact HR.好处@usnh.edu or (603) 862-0504.