Frequently Asked Questions

What financial assistance does the UNH Noyce Program offer?

  • Undergraduate scholars receive up to $27,000 (based on financial need) for up to two years (junior and senior year).
  • Graduate scholars receive $27,000 for one calendar year.

Is this a loan or a scholarship?

It's a forgiveable loan, so it's in between a loan and a scholarship. The loan is 100% forgiven upon successful completion of the teaching obligation in a high needs school following graduation from the Noyce program. The teaching obligation is two years in a 高中需要 for each year of scholarship funding provided through the Noyce Program. Noyce Scholars have a eight-year window to complete this teaching obligation. If, 不管出于什么原因, you are only able to complete a fraction of your service, that same fraction of your loan will be forgiven (rounding down to the nearest semester).

Will this affect my financial aid package?

是的, the scholarship  is considered part of the total financial aid package allocated to each student through the UNH 金融援助 office. Once we notify the financial aid office that you are receiving a scholarship, they will send you a revised financial aid package. Typically the scholarship first goes to cover any unmet need you have, and then will replace self-help (work-study & 你的贷款. You will have an opportunity to decline the Noyce scholarship and revert to your original financial aid package if you so desire.​

What are my obligations once I graduate from the program?

All Noyce scholars must teach for two years for each year of funding received at a high-need public school within eight years of graduation. Failure to either complete the academic program or to work in a high needs school within eight years of graduation will cause the scholarship to revert to a loan that must be repaid, 加上利息和费用.

Is it hard to get a job at a high needs school district?

No. There are many schools in every state that are designated as high needs. 你可以参考 国家目录 搜索学校.  This 国家目录 just has the high needs schools based on student income. High needs schools can also be schools with high turnover rates or large number of teachers teaching outside of their content area.

All 29 UNH Noyce scholars to date who have sought employment in a high needs school have secured such employment.

Must I teach at a high needs school in NH to meet my service requirement?

No, you can teach at any high needs school in the US to meet the service requirement.

What are my responsibilities as a UNH Noyce Scholar?

See our full description on our Scholarship Requirements page.

Does this limit my choices for teaching internship sites?

是的, we do require that your internship is in a high needs school so that you will gain experience and confidence working in such a school. The high needs schools that partner with the UNH Department of Education are currently Dover, Somersworth, 高贵的, 曼彻斯特和纳舒厄.

What are the Noyce scholarship program benefits?

All UNH Noyce Scholars will benefit from:

  • Science and mathematics content knowledge to prepare teachers to become highly qualified science and mathematics educators.
  • Training in teaching strategies to adapt curriculum to meet the diverse needs of integrated classrooms.
  • A high quality teacher preparation program focusing on preparing teachers to be culturally responsive teachers
  • Peer support within cohorts of Noyce Scholars as they progress through the program together.
  • Mentorship from Master teachers and education research scholars throughout the program.
  • Career development workshops to prepare for transitioning into the teaching profession
  • Support for successful application for teaching license following graduation
  • Continued support and mentoring throughout the first year in a high-need school district.

Who was Robert Noyce and why does he want to help pay for your education?

For information on Robert Noyce, check out this PBS生物频道.