资源 are designed to assist faculty and staff navigate the 课程管理 system



  • CIM概述:转换、流程、资源
  • 课程 & 项目管理表格
  • 赞同者/评论家仪表板

用于审核/批准要添加的提案的个人和委员会成员, modify or inactivate courses and 项目 as part of the curriculum management governance workflow. 了解如何导航在CIM中提交的提案的审批者工作流仪表板. 如何审查、评论、编辑、回滚和批准提案将被涵盖.

最终用户培训- CIM表单

  • CIM概述:转换、流程、资源
  • 课程管理表格- @ 22分钟.
  • 项目管理表- 47分钟.
  • 杂项要求- 1分21秒.

For faculty and staff that typically initiate or assist with curriculum proposals for courses and 项目. 学习 how to navigate the 课程Leaf CIM dashboards and forms to submit proposals to add new, 修改或停用现有的课程和程序.

目录编辑器- CIM/CAT集成

  • CIM概述:转换、流程、资源
  • 导航目录编辑和CIM课程/项目建议

For faculty and staff that typically initiate or assist with catalog editing and/or curriculum proposals for courses and 项目. 了解CIM如何与Catalog (CAT)集成并简化目录更新过程.


秋季和春季学期 会议日期 & 次

夏季支持时间已经过去了 请求.

Support hours hosted by the Office of the Registrar to provide assistance and answer questions for faculty and staff using the CIM system. 在表格和提交课程和项目建议方面获得帮助, 各种各样的请求, 审批流程等.

资源 & 用户指南

课程Leaf CIM生态系统显示课程, 项目, 以及大学学术目录中与正在查看的课程相关的页面, 以及发布正在审查的程序的目录页面. The Ecosystem allows users to see what other courses and 项目 reference a specific course as a requisite or program requirement. 换句话说, the Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and 项目 that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated.

Academic units with courses and 项目 that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.



  • 大学学术目录中提到正在查看的课程的页面. 这可以包括课程描述页面, 课程页面与学位计划, 包含课程列表的一般信息页面, 或者在目录中提到课程的任何其他实例. 请注意: courses that appear in a program's published requirements will not be listed in this section and will appear in the '项目 Referencing this 课程' section.


  • 以某种方式引用本课程的CIM程序, 通常在课程要求或学位计划中.


  • 班纳的课程名称被视为先决条件或共修条件.


  • 大学学术目录中CIM项目所在的页面用于发布.


CIM History is a permanent record of the 批准 course or program from the last time it went through workflow in CIM. History displays the approval path, 工作流步骤s, roll back comments, and red/green mark up. 历史可以追溯到CIM实现的那一天, and proposals that were started and shredded or rolled out of workflow and back to the proposer will not be part of the course or program history. 只有完全通过的提案才会出现在历史上. 历史记录只能查看,不能编辑.

UNH CIM History begins in December 2023 and will include 批准 proposals for academic year 2024-2025 and beyond.


The proposal status listed in the Status column of the CIM dashboards for courses and 项目 indicate the status of a proposal. 


  • 添加 —此状态表示新提案已经发起. In the dashboard search for 'added' to find proposals that were saved but not submitted to workflow.
  • 编辑 — This status indicates that an existing course or program in CIM has been 编辑 and submitted to workflow for approval.
  • 不活跃的 — This status indicates that a course has been proposed to be made inactive or is currently inactive in the Student Information System
  • 空白 —表示该课程或程序存在并在系统中处于活动状态, 但此时它不在任何CIM提案流程中. 课程或项目在CIM中被认为是“静止的”.

All existing and in progress proposals can be viewed from the applicable 课程Leaf CIM Management dashboard.


  • 要搜索提案,请登录到适当的课程Leaf CIM仪表板.
  • 课程可以通过课程主题前缀和编号进行搜索, 科目名称, 关键字, 工作流步骤, 和地位.
  • 程序可以通过程序代码、名称、关键字、工作流步骤和状态进行搜索.
  • 用户还可以使用快速搜索下拉菜单根据状态进行过滤.


  • 要查看提案,请登录到适当的课程Leaf CIM仪表板.
  • 在仪表板结果表中搜索并定位适当的提案, 在结果框中选择要查看的建议行.
  • 在结果表的下面将是当前所选项目的预览.

CIM指南: 搜索和查看

自动审批过程称为工作流. 一旦用户点击绿色 开始工作流按钮,提案将开始审批程序.

所需的工作流程步骤由大学和学术单位定义. As reviewers in each step 批准 the proposal it will move to the next step in the workflow. 当提案移动到下一个工作流步骤时, the appropriate user(s) will be notified via an automated email that a proposal is pending their review.

Users can log in to the 课程Leaf CIM dashboards at any time to see where a proposal is in the workflow process. 一旦提案位于仪表板, 预览将包括提案必须完成的工作流程步骤的完整列表. 提案的当前工作流程步骤将以粗体橙色文本显示. 完成的工作流程步骤将以绿色粗体显示.

Proposal initiators cannot directly edit a proposal once submitted to workflow unless it is rolled back to them in the workflow process. 如果审阅者决定将提案回滚到工作流中的上一个步骤, the proposal will need to repeat the 工作流步骤s from the point the proposal was rolled back to over again.


CIM课程管理允许用户提出新的课程, 建议对现有课程进行编辑, 或建议停用现有课程. These proposals are then submitted through the appropriate workflow approval processes where users can edit, 批准, 或者回滚提案. The CIM课程管理 landing page allows a user to search for and view all courses in the system. 从这里,您还可以看到课程的状态以及它是否在工作流中. 而工作流中的课程可以通过工作流和审批流程进行修改, 在完成工作流之前,不能从CIM着陆页修改它们.


登录到 CIM课程管理 要查看表单要求或下载下面的示例表单进行查看.


  1. 登录到 CIM课程管理
  2. 点击 提出新课程 
  3. 填写所需信息,完成表格
  4. 填妥表格后,请按下列其中一项:
    • 取消 不保存任何更改并返回到上一个窗口.
    • 保存更改 以保存已做的任何更改,并在以后返回到表单. 点击ing 保存更改 does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "添加" and may be 编辑 at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses.
    • 开始工作流程(保存) & 提交) 保存并提交所有更改以供批准. 所有必需的字段必须填写,然后提案才能提交审批.  新的课程建议将转到工作流中的下一个人. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed/批准.
  5. To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM课程管理 anytime.





  1. 登录到 CIM课程管理
  2. 键入主题前缀缩写, 课程数量, 或要编辑到搜索字段中的课程标题.
  3. 在结果窗口中选择要编辑的课程.
  4. 单击 编辑课程按钮 在CIM窗口中. 此表单中的许多字段将预先填充来自SIS的课程数据.
  5. 在表单中输入您的课程编辑.
  6. 编辑表单后,单击以下其中一个:
    • 取消 不保存任何更改并返回到上一个窗口
    • 保存更改 以保存已做的任何更改,并在以后返回到表单. 点击ing 保存更改 does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "添加" and may be 编辑 at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
    • 开始工作流程(保存) & 提交) 保存并提交所有更改以供批准. 所有必需的字段必须填写,然后提案才能提交审批.  新的课程建议将转到工作流中的下一个人. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the course modification proposal is ready to be reviewed/批准.
  7. To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM课程管理 anytime.



CIM生态系统显示课程, 项目, and catalog pages that reference to the course being viewed as a requisite or program requirement. 生态系统显示在CIM课程预览的开始. The Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and 项目 that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated. 生态系统中的条目是在CIM中打开该页面或提案的链接. Academic units with courses and 项目 that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.


  1. 登录到 CIM课程管理
  2. 键入主题前缀缩写, 课程数量, 或要编辑到搜索字段中的课程标题.
  3. 在结果窗口中选择要取消激活的课程.
  4. 审查课程生态系统对课程停用的影响.
  5. 单击 灭活按钮 
  6. 填写表格
  7. 点击 启动工作流(保存) & 提交) 提交请求或 取消 取消请求.
  8. To view the status of the proposal through workflow login to CIM课程管理 anytime.



CIM生态系统显示课程, 项目, and catalog pages that reference to the course being viewed as a requisite or program requirement. 生态系统显示在CIM课程预览的开始. The Ecosystem shows users a complete list of courses and 项目 that will be impacted if the course being viewed is changed or inactivated. 生态系统中的条目是在CIM中打开该页面或提案的链接. Academic units with courses and 项目 that reference the course being changed or inactivated will have an interest in what changes are being proposed to determine if a change proposal is necessary for any impacted course or program.


登录到 CIM项目管理 要查看表单要求或下载下面的示例表单进行查看.


  1. 登录到 CIM项目管理
  2. 单击 提出新方案 
  3. 填写所需信息,完成表格
    • 一些字段将使用页面主体编辑器来格式化文本和表格.
      用户指南 -添加课程列表,学位计划,脚注,课程状态指标.
  4. 填妥表格后,请按下列其中一项:
    • 取消 不保存任何更改并返回到上一个窗口
    • 保存更改 以保存已做的任何更改,并在以后返回到表单. 点击ing 保存更改 does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "添加" and may be 编辑 at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
    • 开始工作流程(保存) & 提交) 保存并提交所有更改以供批准. 所有必需的字段必须填写,然后提案才能提交审批.  新的课程建议将转到工作流中的下一个人. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed/批准.


请注意建议的新课程不会立即出现在学术目录中. The program proposal must be fully 批准 through CIM and the program page will then be added to the applicable Academic Catalog  edition by the Registrar's Office.


  1. 登录到 CIM项目管理
  2. 搜索要编辑的程序 
  3. 选择要编辑的程序,然后单击 编辑程序 
    • 用户指南 -添加/编辑课程列表,学位计划,脚注,课程状态指示器
  4. 填妥表格后,请按下列其中一项:
    • 取消 不保存任何更改并返回到上一个窗口
    • 保存更改 以保存已做的任何更改,并在以后返回到表单. 点击ing 保存更改 does not submit the proposed changes to workflow and will allow you to save without filling out all the required fields. The status of the saved form will be "添加" and may be 编辑 at a later time by searching for the course or doing a quick search for all added courses
    • 开始工作流程(保存) & 提交) 保存并提交所有更改以供批准. 所有必需的字段必须填写,然后提案才能提交审批.  新的课程建议将转到工作流中的下一个人. The next user in workflow will be sent an automated email to notify the user the new course proposal is ready to be reviewed, 编辑, 批准, 或拒绝.


请注意: CIM 项目 that are being 编辑 will display in the next catalog edition/environment with the proposed edits.



  1. 登录到 CIM项目管理
  2. 搜索要关闭/取消激活的程序
  3. 从结果窗口中选择要关闭的程序
  4. 单击 灭活按钮 
  5. 填写表格
  6. 点击 提交 保存并提交请求或 取消 退出窗体而不保存
