
学位工作 学位评估和审核工具是否可供学生使用, 教师和顾问查看完成学位的进展情况. It assists in planning coursework and includes a “what-if” feature to evaluate an academic record against other UNH majors when considering a change.

It is a student's responsibility to monitor 学位 progress and all requirements are met.



  • 本科生自动获得访问权限.
  • 终身教职, 讲师教员, and professional advisor account requests are approved if the department has assigned formal academic advising as a responsibility.
  • Support staff account requests are approved if responsibilities include administrative support for the department’s advising activities.

问题? 联系 学位.works@wxyxsteel.com

学位作品可通过 Webcat.

教师资源 & 工作人员

Web浏览器: Firefox推荐. 不建议使用ie浏览器(需要经常清理缓存).

学生一般资料 & 教师

学位工作 is a Web-based tool for advisors and students to monitor their academic progress toward 学位 completion. 学位工作 allows students and their advisors to plan future academic coursework. Students will also be able to do a “what-if” scenario to evaluate an academic record against other UNH majors when considering a change.

This 学位 audit is a guide to use when planning your progress toward completion of the above requirements. Undergraduate students should contact their academic advisor for assistance in interpreting the audit. 研究生应与研究生系办公室联系. Prospective undergraduate transfer students should contact the 本科招生 Office. This audit is not official notification of completion of 学位 requirements.

学位审核是对过去的回顾, current and in progress coursework that provides information on completed and outstanding requirements necessary to complete a 学位 and major.

Blocks are a list of each group of requirements you will need to satisfy in order to complete your 学位.

是的. 访问学位作品(DW)是通过网络. Anywhere you can log in to Webcat will allow you access to the 学位工作 System.

No. DW是正在进行和完成的课程的快照. 注册将继续通过Webcat处理.

是的. DW is laid out in block format displaying 学位 and major requirements. Look for unchecked boxes to identify requirements that you still need to complete.

是的. Once grades have been processed at the end of each term, they are viewable in DW. 正在进行的课程在成绩栏中以“IP”表示.

Undergraduate students consult your academic advisor for a review of your audit.

Graduate students consult your graduate department office for a review of your audit.


DW使用您的成绩单中的最新信息. You will be able to view any courses that have been completed/registered for/transferred. Keep in mind that any pending transfer work or grade changes will not appear on your audit until processed.

Your audit will outline courses still needed to meet 学位 and major requirements within each specific block. You may then use this information to discuss your plan with your academic advisor.

It could be you have not met the minimum grade requirement or credit requirement for the course. 如果你有问题,请咨询你的指导老师.

Not all transfer classes slot automatically into major requirements; many require manual intervention

本科生请与你的指导老师交谈. Your advisor can use the ‘Major Requirement Variance Petition’ to rectify this problem.


Use the "What‐if" feature within DW and select your proposed 学位 and major. Click "Process What-if" button to see how your coursework will be applied for the new major.


您应该联系您的指导老师解决任何替换问题. Your advisor can use the "Major Requirement Variance Petition" to rectify this.

在大多数情况下,是的. DW is programmed to recognize that some courses can fulfill more than one requirement. 如果你有任何问题,请联系你的学术顾问.

不一定. 如果你已经申请毕业, the 司法常务官办公室 will perform a final audit after all final grades have been submitted to determine if you are eligible to graduate.


是的. The “What-If” function will perform an audit based on the hypothetical major and will show how your completed and current coursework meets the requirements of the proposed major.

The system will automatically save the last three “What-If” scenarios run. 你应该让你的导师知道你已经运行了一个新的“如果”.

是的. DW会自动保存你最后3个“假设”场景. 要打印或保存pdf,请单击“保存pdf”按钮.

在咨询了你的导师之后, you may change your academic program using the Change of Program process.


“如果”功能允许你假设改变你的专业. The “What If” audit will show you what coursework is required for the new major, 你学过哪些符合要求的课程, 还有剩下的课程.


  • Use the drop down menus to select the 学位 and major you’d like to change to. 对于目录年度,您必须选择当前学期.
  • 然后选择“处理假设”按钮.
  • This will remove the requirement blocks for your current major and apply the requirement blocks for the major you’re considering.
  • 这不是永久性的交换. 要返回当前的主要审计,请单击“工作表”选项卡.
  • If you would like to change your major, please see your academic advisor.

No. “假如”功能仅供参考.


The 毕业 Calculator is a tool to assist you in planning for completing your 学位 with a desired GPA.

The Term Calculator will show you your estimated cumulative GPA after you fill in hypothetical grade information. By putting in your current earned credits and GPA and placing your in-progress courses in the table along with the grade you anticipate receiving for each course; you will see a hypothetical cumulative GPA based on the estimates you provided.

No. 这只是一个估计.