
SHARPP is a resource on campus whose mission is to bolster prevention of and response to incidents of interpersonal violence within the UNH community. Anyone can experience interpersonal violence regardless of their gender identity, 性取向, 年龄, 能力状态, 比赛, 或者其他身份. This p年龄 provides additional 信息 about what interpersonal violence is and how it shows up at UNH.

什么是人际暴力? (IPV)

“人际暴力”(IPV)对一些人来说可能是一个新术语. At SHARPP we use this as an umbrella term referring to experiences of 性 assault, 跟踪, 性骚扰, 以及关系虐待. 你可能熟悉其他语言, 比如家庭暴力, 不正当的性行为, 强奸, 亲密伴侣暴力, 等. These are synonyms for or specific versions of the forms of violence that fall under IPV. We use the term interpersonal violence to be inclusive of a variety of experiences and dynamics.

While these forms of interpersonal violence are described separately on this p年龄, 它们并不总是彼此不同或孤立的. 有些人可能会经历多种或同时发生的暴力形式. SHARPP是学生的资源, 教师, and staff at the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 who have been impacted by all forms of interpersonal violence. 保密律师可以在(603)862-7233全天候联系.

Expand any of the sections below to learn more about each form of interpersonal violence. 

Sexual assault is a term used to describe 性 contact without explicit 同意. 阅读更多澳门葡京网赌游戏 同意 .
Sexual assault refers to a variety of behaviors including but not limited to:

  • 未经他人同意的性接触
  • 强迫某人对另一个人进行性行为
  • Penetration of someone’s body by another person or object without their 同意.

在UNH, 13%的学生报告经历过某种形式的性暴力[1] with over half of those experiences occurring during the person's first year on campus. This rate is consistent with national data surrounding campus 性 violence[2]. UNH and national data also reflect that experiences of violence are often more common for trans & gender-expansive students, queer students, disabled students, and students of Color. 研究 here at UNH and nationally continues to show that the perpetrators of 性 violence are most often known to the victim as a 朋友, 熟人, 合作伙伴, 或者家庭成员.

SHARPP recognizes that some members of our community have experienced 性 assault prior to coming to UNH and may need support around those experiences. SHARPP advocates are trained to offer support and space for survivors regardless of whether their experience happened during their time at UNH or before they were a member of our community.

Sexual assault is addressed under both NH state laws and UNH’s student conduct rules. If you’re interested in speaking to someone confidentially about an experience you’ve had, 请联系夏普.
了解更多澳门葡京网赌游戏向联合国卫生组织或执法部门报告的信息 报告选项

[1] 联合国大学2019年气候调查   [2] AAU 2019年气候调查

跟踪 is a pattern of behavior (or series of actions) directed at a person that causes them to feel fear or in danger. 这可能包括重复的不必要的接触, 通过社交媒体监视某人, 送不想要的礼物, 侵入社交媒体账户或电子邮件, 开车经过或在别人的房子/宿舍闲逛, 工作场所, 或教室. 跟踪通常是不可预测和危险的. 大多数时候, 经历过跟踪的人认识跟踪他们的人, 通常是现任或前任伴侣, 同学, 朋友, 或熟人.

This form of interpersonal violence is more common than many people realize, especially among people 年龄s 18-24 who experience 跟踪 at higher rates than any other 年龄 demographic. 尽管如此, 43% of college 跟踪 victims who meet the legal criteria do not identify or label their experience that way. 这是由于许多因素造成的,包括缺乏具体的 & 以事实为基础的教育,广泛的错误信息 & myths about 跟踪, and social norms that normalize, minimize, or romanticize 跟踪 behaviors[1].

跟踪的模式很难区分, and therefore it is important to understand the broader context and impact of the behaviors. 随着我们花更多的时间上网和接触科技, there are more ways for individuals to use this technology to cause harm to others. SHARPP recognizes the role of technology in 跟踪 and other forms of interpersonal violence and is available to provide support and services to address these experiences.

[1] 跟踪 预防, Awareness, and Resource Center - Campus 跟踪 Infographic

性骚扰 includes behaviors such as unwelcome 性 advances and 口头 or physical actions that negatively interfere with someone’s life, 尤其是在工作或学校环境中. 性骚扰大致可分为两类:

  • 交换条件 harassment refers to a dynamic in which someone’s education or employment status/opportunities (such as hiring decisions, 促销活动, 业绩评估, 上课或工作时间表, 成绩等.) are based on their submission to unwelcome 性 advances or granting/denial of “性 favors.”
  • 充满敌意的环境 harassment refers to a situation in which unwanted/unwelcomed 口头 or non口头 behavior focuses on the 性ity of another person or occurs because of their gender identity/expression, and is severe or pervasive enough to affect their work/educational environment.

性骚扰 is a tactic of control, not an expression of desire or libido. Many people experience 性 attraction and never go on to harass others; harassment is perpetrated in order to express dominance or power, 在组织或社会上控制某人, 尝试寻求同伴的认可, 或者作为一种欺凌策略. 这是一种形式暴力,违反了联合国的政策.

关系虐待指的是一种用来获得的行为模式 & 保持对另一个人的权力和控制. 关系虐待包括身体虐待, 性, 金融, 口头, 或影响他人的情绪行为或威胁. Abusive behaviors in a relationship are those that may cause a 合作伙伴 to experience fear, 恐吓, 操纵, 羞辱, 或者以某种方式受伤.

  • 身体虐待 是我们经常想到的关系虐待吗. This may include damaging property, throwing objects, punching walls, kicking doors 等. 生气或恐吓伴侣时. 它也可能包括殴打、拳打脚踢、拍打、掐死伴侣.
  • 情感虐待 可能看起来像是辱骂,侮辱,不断的批评,羞辱 & 贬低, 极度嫉妒和占有欲, 通过社交媒体或其他方式监视伴侣的动向, constantly checking up and monitoring where someone goes or who they spend their time with, 威胁自杀或自残,试图改变伴侣的行为.
  • 性虐待 includes behaviors such as treating a 合作伙伴 as an object and adhering to rigid gender roles, 强迫或操纵伴侣进行性行为的, 在性行为中伤害伴侣, 忽视伴侣在性方面的感受或需求.
  • 金融滥用 can include things like using a 合作伙伴’s name for loans, debts, accounts 等. 这可能会对某人的信用产生影响, 控制合伙人对财务资源的使用, 干扰某人的工作或教育.

All forms of abuse in relationships can have a significant impact on a survivor's life. SHARPP认识到并非所有的虐待都是身体上的,并提供支持, 信息, 以及为遭受各种虐待的人提供服务. Advocates are available to individuals who have concerns about their or a loved one's relationship, 经历身体暴力并不是寻求帮助的必要条件.