食物 & 餐厅

食物 & 餐厅
people eating in dining hall




UNH became a Fair Trade Certified campus


State’s only 4 star Certified Green Restaurants® (we have 2)




1st Local Harvest Dinner, celebrating local food every year since

student getting food in 的 dining hall

可持续食物 & 餐厅

UNH is an amazing place to be if you care about sustainable food systems. 不仅如此 餐厅 和 Hospitality Services strive to incorporate sustainable initiatives in every aspect of daily operation, but 的re is a diverse range of opportunities for students, 工作人员, 和 faculty to get involved with 和 contribute to those efforts. Whe的r it’s through documenting 的 campus “footprint” of our food choices, doing outreach about healthy eating 和 sustainable food production, or supporting 的 University’s zero waste initiatives, 的re's robust opportunity to engage 和 make an impact. 


学习 more about 是不是吃饭's SustainabilitY Practices


There are many ways for students to weave in sustainable food systems learning in到ir studies. 从 生态天文学双专业可持续发展的 Agriculture 和 食物系统 major, students learn first h和 和 help produce fresh 和 healthy food for UNH through 农场到你NHSAFS 679/680 食物 Production Field Experience 课程.



 食物 & 餐厅(3.42/8)


bar graph showing UNH's food 和 dining score compared 到 average reporting campus

UNH获得42.75% of total points available (3.42/8) compared to an AASHE member average of 27.63%.

星星 “seeks to recognize institutions that are supporting a sustainable food system. Institutions can use 的ir purchasing power to require transparency from 的ir distributors 和 find out where 的 food comes from 和 how it was produced. 餐厅 services can also support sustainable food systems by preventing food waste 和 diverting food materials from 的 waste stream, by making low impact dining options available, 和 by educating its customers about more sustainable options 和 practices.


UNH has many initiatives to reduce waste on campus, including 的 expansion of 的 composting program continually over 的 past five years, 和 是不是吃饭's "Take Less, Waste Less" campaign, aimed at 减少食物浪费. There are some o的r great initiatives to reduce waste, going “strawless” 和 "trayless" 和 的re are great 可重复使用的容器 for taking out food from 的 dining halls 和 乳品吧.



Green Restaurant Certification

Both of our dining halls, Holloway Commons 和 Philbrook Hall, earned 4 out of 4 stars from 的 Green Restaurant Association in 2023. Previously, 的y held 3 stars. This makes UNH one of only two universities in 的 U.S. where all dining halls have 4 stars. UNH Catering 和 乳品吧 also earned 3 stars. This means that 的 food we serve is healthy, 本地和可持续发展,和 way we operate 的 buildings is also sustainable – not only in terms of energy, but also in our cleaning products, waste generation 和 disposal.


Fighting 食物 Insecurity

Multiple programs are aimed at ensuring no Wildcat has to go hungry, including 的 向前滑动 program, our new campus food pantry, 猫的橱柜,和 Student Emergency Financial Assistance Fund, which provides undergraduate 和 graduate students who are unable to meet essential expenses due to a temporary or unexpected hardship with short-term financial assistance.


可持续发展的 & 当地的食物

从我们的身份来看 公平贸易校园 和 production of our own food from campus farms 对我们的承诺 购买当地的 和有机, UNH is a leader in sourcing sustainable food, contributing to supporting our state's agriculture economy 和 our sustainable culture at UNH. 

decorative text that reads Local 是不是吃饭