

From left: Innovators of the Year Haley Andreozzi and 马林克莱德 of 自然追星, uninnovation临时董事Marc Eichenberger, 主要研究 COVID实验室科学主任凯利·托马斯说, 主要研究警察局长保罗·迪恩说. Grace Silha摄.

在COVID大流行期间, many of us embraced two new activities: Swabbing our noses to test for the virus and getting outdoors. 主要研究Innovation’s Innovator of the Year awards recently honored 主要研究 faculty and staff who helped us do both. W. 凯利•托马斯, 哈伯德基因组研究中心的教授和主任, and 主要研究警察局长保罗·迪恩说 were honored for their contributions to 主要研究’s COVID响应 as the 2020 awardees; and 主要研究的扩展 马林克莱德 还有海莉·安德罗齐 of 自然追星, the centralized website for conservation volunteer opportunities, received the honor for 2021.

“J. 布伦特阿来 Innovator of the Year Award honors 主要研究 faculty or staff who have demonstrated exemplary innovation and successfully translated their ideas into social and economic impact,马克·艾肯伯格说, 临时董事总经理 主要研究Innovation. “我想不出更好的例子了, 特别是在过去的两年里, 而不是主要研究非凡的COVID测试计划和自然追星.”

Thomas, who is a professor of molecular, cellular and biomedical studies and the COVID实验室的 科学主任, played an integral role in designing and launching 主要研究’s state-of-the-art testing lab in the absence of established infrastructure such as a medical or veterinary school or even a CLIA (Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments) lab already on campus. 2021年春天, 在他的领导下, 该大学开始对SARS-CoV-2病毒进行基因组测序, 帮助为未来变种的爆发做准备.

Dean担任主要研究测试和跟踪团队的联合主席, 负责启动实验室的特别小组, 并担任COVID事件响应小组的联合主任. He was instrumental in developing the campus testing and tracing strategy, including the innovative self-swabbing protocols and collection logistics.

“保罗和凯利的创新, ingenuity and commitment to the health and safety of the 主要研究 community is inspirational and they are both incredibly deserving of this honor,玛丽安·麦考德说, 负责研究的高级副教务长, 经济接触和外联. “学校感谢他们的专业知识和领导能力.”

主要研究的扩展 马林克莱德, 社区志愿者州专家, 还有海莉·安德罗齐, 国家野生动物保护专家, are the 2021 Innovators of the Year as the driving force behind 自然追星, one of several successful mission-driven not-for-profit 主要研究 spinouts.

Inside an orange circle, the words 自然追星 and a cartoon monster

自然追星, which began in 2013 as a collaboration between 主要研究 Extension and The Stewardship Network in the Great Lakes region, links outdoor enthusiasts with volunteer opportunities at places they love by sharing events that help forests, 沿海生态系统, 社区和野生动物. 从那时起, 5人以上,000 volunteers have connected with 200-plus environmental groups through naturegroupie.组织清洁河流, 恢复野生动物栖息地, 维持轨迹, 在新英格兰种树和做环境研究.

受市场需求启发的真正衍生产品, 自然追星 leveraged resources of 主要研究Innovation to participate in its 第一军团训练 追求商标. A Kickstarter campaign raised initial funding for the launch of 自然追星, 而网上销售的服装则带有他们俏皮的品牌, 充满活力的标志有助于维持业务.

Established in 2011, 主要研究Innovation’s Innovator of the Year award is named after the late J. 布伦特阿来, plant geneticist, inaugural recipient of the award and by far 主要研究’s most prolific innovator. 他开发了80多种南瓜新品种, 南瓜, 葫芦和瓜在他的职业生涯, representing the longest squash and pumpkin breeding program in North America. 他的种子品种, 在新英格兰和世界各地的种子目录中出售, have created more revenue for 主要研究 than any other faculty-generated intellectual asset.