
在八月初, 曼彻斯特的澳门葡京网赌游戏 在紧张的夏季为学生举办毕业庆典 英语为其他语言的人(ESOL)计划. The occasion was particularly meaningful as it marked the 25th anniversary. The program originally started in 1998 under the leadership of Margaret Pobywajlo and the late Michael Pugh, beloved former 主要研究 faculty and longtime advocates for multilingual students and communities.

这也是自2019年以来他第一次亲自回来. Since its inception, the program has supported more than 700 students from 65 countries. This year’s graduation celebrated 16 students from nine different countries, 包括最近从乌克兰来的人.

“It’s a privilege for me to not only help continue Margaret's and Michael’s legacies, but to also work with our community partners and the diverse and incredible students in the program,项目协调员、今年的指导员说, 艾米丽·克尔. “Our classroom becomes a supportive and welcoming space where everyone shares their different perspectives and cultures, all while learning more about Manchester and becoming more confident in English.”

That was a theme echoed by student graduation speakers Orhan Yigit and Malak El Mikawi. Yigit, 他曾是土耳其的一名物理教师, 表达了, “我喜欢和不同背景的人交谈. 亲爱的同学们:你们每个人都给我增添了一些宝贵的东西. 我总是喜欢和享受我们的课堂时间在一起.”

米卡维曾是黎巴嫩的一名学前班法语教师. “The program facilitated our ability to communicate in English with new classmates of diverse nationalities in one-to-one discussions or groups. I would like to share that each one of us shared intriguing and new information about our cultures as immigrants.” Mikawi noted another benefit: "It’s a way to begin to connect with other Americans."

演讲嘉宾Dr. 朱迪·夏基,那个嫖客 & H. Irene Peters Professor of Education and former Chair of the Education Department at 主要研究, gave tribute to the cultural and linguistic assets of the students and how these enrich our community. “你们让曼彻斯特和新罕布什尔变得更好了,”她说. Senator Maggie Hassan also 表达了 her support to the students in a letter read by outreach director Kerry Holmes.

曼彻斯特市长乔伊斯·克雷格与EXCELL项目的毕业生, 了解他们夏天的工作海报
Manchester Mayor Joyce Craig speaking with EXCELL-in-阀杆 graduates about their research posters.

ESOL课程毕业前一周, 中曼彻斯特 held a ceremony celebrating 27 graduates of the middle and high school EXCELL-in-阀杆程序. This month-long program combines hands-on experiences in science and engineering with English language arts.  

EXCELL于2004年作为成人项目的副产品开始, and was renamed EXCELL-in-阀杆 in 2014 to reflect its increased focus in science and engineering. 学生们在曼彻斯特大学的生物实验室进行调查, 去实地考察,参与3D打印和机器人技术. They also keep science notebooks and write about the data they collect.

At the celebration ceremony, students demonstrated their learning through poster presentations. 他们的家人也加入了进来, 曼彻斯特学区的教育工作者和联络员, 社区合作伙伴和曼彻斯特市长乔伊斯·克雷格. 

EXCELL-in-阀杆 student speakers Ashley Santos and Cheilyn Rivera Gutierrez shared that programs like these have helped them to become less shy, 以有趣的方式学习科学, 并发展友谊. 

All of these programs are possible with support from community partners such as the International Institute, 新美国人的英语, 南新罕布什尔服务, 曼彻斯特社区资源中心, 曼彻斯特学区和主要研究合作推广, 等. Support from Bank of America and Comcast have also funded the past four years' EXCELL-in-阀杆程序s.