COLSA的采访 & NHAES可持续农业科学家Becky sidman说


University of New Hampshire sustainable agriculture researcher and educator 贝基伴奏者 身兼数职. 一位农业教授, nutrition and food systems department at the 生命科学学院 and 农业, Sideman serves as a researcher with the New Hampshire 农业 Experiment Station, the coordinator of the sustainable agriculture and sustainable horticulture production programs and a state specialist with 主要研究 合作推广.

Sideman joined 主要研究 in 2004 after working as a plant geneticist and lettuce breeder for the USDA. 在大学里, she’s performing sustainable agriculture research with great benefit to New Hampshire and New England. 她的研究涵盖了各种各样的水果和蔬菜, 包括葡萄, 甜土豆, 西红柿等等.

Sideman’s work helps strengthen local food networks by identifying and promoting the most effective local growing techniques. 在她身上进行的研究 应用蔬菜水果研究室 这只是联合国大学对国家产生积极影响的一个例子吗.

贝基伴奏者: I grew up on a farm that was in my family for six or seven generations. 我妈妈和我妹妹还在经营. Both my parents farmed; I’ve been exposed to plants and animals since I was tiny.
Editor's Note: This is the latest installment in a series featuring 主要研究 faculty telling their stories in their own words.
主要研究's 贝基伴奏者 discusses a new desert-based agricultural system in use in Australia.