主要研究 扫描电子显微镜 magnifies leafcutter ant head



主要研究 microscope image of leafcutter ant head, colorized red and blue

Students in associate professor of natural resources and the environment Jeff Garnas’s forest health course got an up-close look — up close — at the head of a tropical leafcutter ant, collected in Ecuador in 2022. 大学仪器中心 analytical scientists Nancy Cherim and Mark Townley imaged this ant head using a 扫描电子显微镜 放大60倍.

“切叶蚁很迷人, since they cultivate fungal gardens to serve as an external gut for the colony,” Garnas, adding that they also pose a threat to plantation-grown trees in the tropics. “The complex ‘ultrastucture’ on their bodies and heads also harbors bacteria that produce antibiotics that help the ants stay disease-free and to keep their garden free of ‘weeds,或寄生真菌.” The microscopy magnification of the odor receptors on the ant’s antennae support his lessons on chemically-mediated communication in insects, 哪些对有害生物管理有影响.

当玫瑰是红的, ant heads are not: Cherim and Townley colorized the image, 让它看起来像是昆虫学的情人节.