25th 本科生研究会议 features work of more than 1,600 students

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  • 学生在URC演讲
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  • 在URC的学生
  • 学生在URC演讲

主要研究的 本科生研究会议 (URC), one of the largest and most diverse events of its kind in the country, celebrated its 25th year of showcasing student research and scholarly work when more than 1,600 students presented at the annual university-wide event April 23 to 27.

This year’s URC saw more than a 10% increase in student participants over URC 2023.

There were 20 events held on the Durham and Manchester campuses during the event, featuring presentations from students working in a massive array of disciplines across the entire university, with all schools and colleges and an extensive number of majors represented.

Students presenting at this year’s URC were mentored by more than 350 faculty research advisors throughout 主要研究.

Our slideshow offers a glimpse at just a handful of the many engaging presentations and displays that made for yet another successful event this year.