Requesting New or Updated Accommodations

Accommodation needs do not follow a semester schedule. You may find that at some point you would like to update your accommodations or request new accommodations. SAS will be happy to meet with you to talk more about your accommodations. 学生 may request revised accommodations at any point, but as with all other requests, this must be done in a reasonable time frame and there are no retroactive accommodations. 

When students would like to request additional accommodations, SAS is required to re-engage the student in the interactive accommodations process. This process mirrors the interactive accommodation process. Specific steps needed will depend on the request and what SAS already has in terms of documentation and information. Keep in mind that this process may include:

SAS will review all requests in a timely manner, but overall timeline may vary depending on the nature and specifics of the request and necessary documentation.

    How to Request New or Updated Accommodations

    Requests for accommodation modifications can be initiated directly with SAS or can be completed through the Modify Accommodations option in 适应.

    Once in the system, click:

    1. Accommodation > Modify Accommodations > Add New
    2. Share information about your condition and the accommodations you are requesting. You also have the option of submitting documentation.
    3. 单击Submit


    If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, 接触情景应用程序. We are here to help!