
大专毕业 education represents an important shift in a student's education. 中学后教育, students are responsible for their education 和ir success. 虽然有很多 key differences between K-12 and postsecondary education, there are a few differences worth highlighting that relate more specifically to parents and families. Here are some key things to know and how you can help your student get started. 



家庭教育权利隐私法(FERPA) is an important law relating to the release and sharing of student information and data. In K-12 education, parents have certain rights to information about a student record. 然而, things change within postsecondary education when a student becomes an "eligible student". At that point, "all rights under FERPA transfer from the parent to the student" (A Parent Guide to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)). 

说到SAS的工作, this means that the student has the right to their data and information and SAS has the obligation of keeping that information private. SAS只能共享一个学生的信息(例如.e., 注册状态, 文档, 会议状态, accommodation record) with specific permission from the student. 学生 may choose to complete a Release of Information (ROI), which allows SAS to share information about the student record with a parent or family member. 然而, it is at the discretion of the student to complete an ROI 和y are under no obligation to complete it. 

UNH Registrar - 家庭教育权利隐私法(FERPA)


Another change that is worth noting is that in K-12 education students were identified and provided services based on the identified need. 中学后教育, students are responsible for self-identifying and completing all steps in the interactive accommodation process (步骤1:注册SAS, 步骤2:提交文档, 第三步:与SAS会面). Parents can support students throughout this process, but it is the responsibility of the student to engage in and complete the process. 



Another big shift is related to how things are communicated with your student. In K-12 education there are often multiple reminders that are shared in person. 而学生将有面对面的交流, more often than not information from campus offices and instructors will be shared over email. The majority of communication from SAS will go through the student's UNH email address, and students are encouraged to frequently check their UNH email. 


There are a number of ways that parents and families can help a student within the interactive accommodation process. Here are a few suggestions for how you can help your student. 

  1. 帮助你的学生更多地了解 UNH住宿 和 三步互动流程 - One important thing you can do is to help the student learn more about accommodations 和 accommodation process and how this process will be different for them at UNH. This will help them effectively self-advocate for the supports that they need and be more successful in implementing their accommodations. 
  2. 和你的学生谈谈 类型的住宿 他们可能需要 - The types of supports available in postsecondary education are not always the same as in K-12. Accommodations in postsecondary education are primarily focused on providing students with access to their learning experience. While some of those same 住宿类型 may be available, it is important that the student thinks critically about what is essential for them to access their education. 
  3. 帮助收集任何必要的 文档 - Part of the interactive accommodation process is submitting 文档. This has a specific meaning and is a little different than in K-12 education. Documentation in postsecondary education discusses the relevant condition, 当前的功能影响, 并且与住宿有潜在的联系. While a 504 plan or an IEP may be helpful in understanding past supports, some of these do not contain information about the condition or the functional impacts. It is important to help your student gather the needed information as soon as they can. 
  4. 鼓励你的学生完成 学生住宿申请表 - If your student is ready to engage in the interactive accommodation process, then UNH students can complete the 学生住宿申请表. 这有助于开始适应过程. 学生 can share more about their condition 和ir requests directly with SAS when they complete the request. Parents cannot fill out the form, but they can help support the student in completing it. 
  5. 鼓励你的学生 和SAS安排一个会议 - You can also encourage your student to get in touch with SAS to schedule a meeting. 学生 are responsible for scheduling and meeting with SAS as an important part of the interactive process. 在那次会议上, we will talk with the student about their condition, 他们的状况的影响, 以及他们所要求的便利条件. 学生 can choose whether they would like parents or families to attend an SAS meeting (students can invite any advocate they choose to the meeting), but any parent or family participation in SAS meetings is at the discretion of the student.