

金融健康 is the ability to meet basic needs and manage money for the short- and long-term.


  • Learning how to manage your money and establishing a personal budget
  • 不入不敷出
  • Making a plan to pay back your student loans
  • Learning about debt and how to manage it
  • 建立良好信用
  • 从长远考虑,e.g., setting up a savings account, setting up investments, and/or a retirement account
  • Learning not to let money be the driving force of your life or an indication of your self-worth
  • Donating some of your money, if possible, to a cause you believe in

Check-in with your financial wellness:

  • How does money impact your emotional wellness?
  • Do you know how to manage your money so you know what you have and don't have?
  • Are you able to pay tuition and additional school expenses? If not, do you know where to go for help?
  • Do you have spending money saved so that you can get off campus and explore the local area? 
  • Will you need to find a job on or off campus? 
  • Are you thinking about a plan to pay back your student loans? 


Free Money Management Resource for UNH Students 

CashCourse is a FREE financial management resource for UNH students, providing:

  • 财务管理信息
  • 理财小贴士 
  • 互动工具
  • Worksheets
  • 计算器





Distinguishing needs and wants is an important step to achieving financial goals and attaining financial independence. Limit your spending to what matters most and use the rest of your money to power your financial future.


  • 你赚了多少钱啊?
  •  它是从哪里来的?
  • Can you depend on it each week, month, or year?
  • 你的开支是多少?? Account for all your expenses, even the small ones, such as a cup of coffee or pizza.
  • 你需要什么??
  • 你想要什么??

Ways to stretch your dollar in Durham

  • 戒掉昂贵的习惯 
  • 限制音乐和应用程序的下载
  • Use UNH’s free public transportation
  • Go to free on-campus or local events
  • Comparison shop online to find the best deals
  • 需要衣服? Shop the sales rack or at thrift shops 
  • 借书、音乐等.,摘自戴蒙德图书馆
  • Read your favorite magazines at Dimond Library 
  • 利用你的学生折扣
  • 买一般的
  • Limit eating out by using your meal plan 
  • Save even more money by cooking your own meals  
  • Drink less - cutting back on alcohol can save money
  • Use online discounters such as Living Social or Groupon 


Think of your 信用评分 as a financial GPA: Your goal is to keep improving it and then maintain it when it’s the highest you can achieve. If you’ve recently earned a failing grade—in the form of making late payments—you’ll need to work much harder to raise your score!

  • Pay all your bills on time, including loan payments
  • Do not overdraw your account or bounce checks
  • Before you apply for a credit card or loan, ask yourself if you really need it and if you can afford the payments 
  • Contact creditors immediately if you are struggling to make payments
  • Check your 信用评分 至少每年一次 


Paying yourself first means that you’re making savings your number one spending plan priority. Putting even $10 to $25 into a savings account each paycheck will help you establish a savings habit. As you continue to pay yourself first, you can grow your savings and establish an emergency savings fund. Over time, you can increase your contributions to savings and pay off outstanding student loans and/or credit card debt.

  • 开一个储蓄帐户
  • Save money as part of your budget plan
  • Decide what is for saving and what is for spending
  • Put “extra” money into your savings account
  • 设定短期和长期目标

Know what you owe – student loans at UNH

  • Read the fine print on any loans you take out 
  • Understand your student loan obligations
  • 每年提交新的FAFSA
  • Talk to a financial aid officer about any change in your situation
  • If you have questions about your student loans, contact 金融援助 
  • If you have questions about any private loans, call your lender with any questions 


你的现金路线正确吗?  Many college students have minimal skills in managing their money and debt. The CASH (Create a Savings Habit) program gives an excellent overview of budgeting, saving, debt, 还有资金管理. 


Talk to a Wellness Educator/Counselor

UNH students can make individual appointments with a wellness educator/counselor to discuss financial wellness. Call (603) 862-3823 or make an appointment online


If you are concerned about your gambling or someone else's, this anonymous online gambling screening takes only a few minutes and consists of a series of questions. After completing the screening, you will receive referrals, resources, and more information.

