
When a person becomes dependent on nicotine, it is one of the most difficult substances to stop using.

健康 & 健康 is here to support you, whether you:

  • 只是想了解更多信息.
  • have become uncomfortable with your use 和 want to discuss your options or challenges.
  • have tried unsuccessfully to quit before 和 need a different approach.

Want to learn more about your relationship with nicotine?  看看这个自我评估工具

如果你准备减少或戒烟使用, 有许多有效的, research-based options that are proven to lead to success. 戒烟是可能的!


  • Change is a process that takes time 和 consists of multiple steps.
  • 复发并不罕见. 研究 shows that people who continue to work through the process eventually succeed in achieving their goal.
  • Reducing use by decreasing amount 和 concentration of nicotine, delaying use by 5 minutes when you feel the urge to use, 能迈出改变的第一步吗.


Guidelines to Reduce Use or Quit 尼古丁 Products

1. 了解事实! Check out the websites listed under Resources (below) to increase your knowledge about nicotine.

2. Identify Your Reasons for Reducing 尼古丁 Use. Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit using. Keep it in a place where you can see it every day. Any time you feel the urge to smoke/vape, review your list. 让你的清单个人化.

3. 创建并记录你的计划. 书面计划可以帮助你:

  • keep focused 和 motivated to reach your goal(s)
  • 为你的进步提供一个基准
  • identify potential challenges 和 ways to overcome them
  • 增加你成功的机会

4. 设定一个现实的戒烟日期.

  • 给 yourself time to get ready 和 consider what you’ll need to quit.
  • Pick a specific date, sooner rather than later, to keep you psyched about your goal.
  • 为成功做好准备. Try not to pick a quit date that will be stressful, like the day before a big test.

5. 与支持你的人为伍.

  • Ask your friends to support you by not offering you their juul / vape /smokes.
  • Make a group pact to quit together with friends 和 support each other in the process.
  • 给 your friends specifics on the kind of support you need, e.g., 当我让你抽电子烟的时候, please say [fill in the blank] 和 do not give in to me no matter how desperate I may seem.”

6. 注意挑战

  • 列一个人的名单, 的地方, situations that trigger your desire to use 和 avoid these during the early stages of your quit process.
  • Get rid of all products 和 paraphernalia in your room.  Consider putting up inspirational quotes on walls 和 mirrors for encouragement.
  • Take a break from unsupportive people when you first quit.     

7. 想想你会怎么做 战斗的欲望 和 处理戒断症状.

  • 向健康中心的专业医疗人员咨询 & 健康 about options to help ease cravings 和 unpleasant symptoms associated with detoxing from nicotine.
  • 中断冲动使用, change up where you store your device to a place that requires more effort to get to, e.g., put it in your desk drawer across the room rather than by your bedside. 

8. Imagine yourself 和 your life free of nicotine.

  • 考虑一下五年后你想成为什么样的人. 尼古丁的使用也是原因之一吗?

9. 奖励你的戒烟进展. 为你的成功设定奖励.  Quitting is hard, be proud of your accomplishments!



健康 & 健康

  • 与ANOD(酒精)会面, 尼古丁, 和 其他 Drug) 健康 Educator/Counselor to discuss where you are 和 where you want to be when it comes to your nicotine use. We will work with you to design a personalized plan to reach your goals, 无论是减少使用还是完全戒烟. This service is confidential 和 is included in your health fee.
  • Meet with a Medical Clinician to evaluate your physical health, underst和 how nicotine is impacting your body, 和 discuss medical options (including medical acupuncture) to decrease withdrawal symptoms commonly experienced during the quit process.
  • 正念和冥想
  • 健康指导 to improve sleep, stress, communication skills, etc.
  • 营养教育/咨询

的se resources can also help support your overall well-being as you work to reduce or quit nicotine use:




被证明有效, text programs provide users with interactive daily text messages (tailored to their age, 注册日期或退出日期), 哪一个特点是鼓励和同理心, 动机, 技能和自我效能建立练习, 小贴士和建议. 

  • 文本”DITCHJUUL” to 88709 报名参加 真相倡议的项目 这是辞职 和 BecomeAnEX 
  • 文本”QUIT”到47848 报名参加 青少年无烟运动 
  • 文本 “开始戒烟” to 855.891.9989 报名参加 我的生活我的辞职, the New Hampshire sponsored quit program for youth 和 young adults which provides access to free 和 confidential text, 电话和在线支持.  
  • 家长s 和 other adults looking to help young people quit should text 请转(202)899 -7550.



  • 戒掉电子烟应用跟踪你的进步, 访问资源, 并使用“伙伴制”, where you 和 a friend can quit together 和 track each other's progress."
  • 渴望戒烟® is a 21 day mindfulness-based wellness app based on a successful smoking cessation curriculum developed 和 tested at Yale University.
  • 成为前任 提供自定义退出计划, 工具和互动指南, 短信支持, 还有戒烟的小贴士.
  • 的 亚洲吸烟者戒烟热线(ASQ) 提供免费, 可访问的, evidence-based smoking cessation services in Cantonese, 普通话, Korean 和 Vietnamese to Asian communities in the U.S. Eligible callers receive a free two-week starter kit of nicotine patches.
  • 现在就退出NH provides links to all of New Hampshire's nicotine treatment services.
  • 不吸烟 provides further information about nicotine 和 how to quit.




保持健康 & 健康 我们随时营业 去买你自己的戒烟包.


Our student-led video series lead you through the nicotine quitting process by teaching about addiction, 制定戒烟计划, 控制戒断症状.

Brought to you by 酒精、尼古丁、 和 其他 Drug Peer Educators Caitlin 和 Grace.

第一部分:尼古丁 & 上瘾

Peer Educator Caitlin Temple talks about nicotine 和 addiction. 


ANOD Peer Educator Grace Roy leads students interested in quitting nicotine through the process of creating a quit plan.


ANOD Peer Educator Caitlin Temple reviews nicotine withdrawal symptoms 和 how to manage them.