

Elizabeth 奇尔顿 is 经验丰富的领导者 and accomplished academic who brings a strong commitment to access and student success in public higher education.

伊丽莎白年代. 奇尔顿, 经验丰富的领导者, 有成就的澳门葡京网赌游戏和公立高等教育的捍卫者, 被任命为澳门葡京网赌游戏第21任校长.

“Dr. 奇尔顿 has shown tremendous leadership and strategic vision across the academic and research enterprise, 她的职业生涯证明了公立高等教育的使命,杰米·伯内特说, the vice-chair of the University System of New Hampshire Board of Trustees and chair of the presidential search committee. “She cares deeply about the student experience and is committed to advancing student success at UNH. 她有合作的记录, 鼓舞她的同龄人, 建立伙伴关系,创造机会. 的 UNH community and the state should have a high degree of confidence in Elizabeth’s appointment.”

奇尔顿 is currently chancellor of Washington State University’s Pullman campus, 该系统的旗舰和国家赠地校园, 供18人食用,000名学生. 奇尔顿 was appointed the inaugural chancellor of the Pullman campus in 2022. She joined WSU in 2020 as provost and executive vice president of the WSU System, serving as a chief academic officer and overseeing research functions across the six-campus system. 奇尔顿 continued in that role while also serving as Pullman’s chancellor for the last two years.

“Elizabeth is a proven and versatile leader devoted to the mission and values of public land grant universities,USNH董事会主席亚历克斯·沃克说. “她带来了经验, track record and capabilities to lead a multi-campus institution that is part of a larger, 公立高等教育体系协调有序. She distinguished herself among a very strong pool of candidates as the right person to lead the 澳门葡京网赌游戏 in these dynamic and challenging times in higher education. 校董会很高兴地欢迎伊丽莎白来到联合国大学, 我们对我们系统旗舰的下一个篇章感到兴奋.”

作为联合国大学的校长, 奇尔顿 will oversee the Granite State’s flagship public research university, 大约有16个,000名学生, 18 Division I athletic teams and an annual operating budget of $750 million, 包括超过2亿美元的竞争性外部研究经费.  Her appointment concludes a national search launched last fall after James W. 院长,小. 宣布他打算在领导UNH六年之后退休. 由16人组成的遴选委员会, 由校董会代表组成, 教师, 联合国大学三个校区的教职员工和学生, 领导搜索. 的 USNH Board of Trustees approved 奇尔顿’s appointment, which begins July 1, 2024.

“UNH是一所领先的公立大学,学生成绩优异, 一个大而多样的研究组合, 以及对新罕布什尔州的奉献, and I am honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as president of this incredible institution,奇尔顿说. “我一直很欣赏UNH的历史, 充满活力和参与的社区, 对学生成功和奖学金的承诺. I look forward to returning to the Northeast to join the Wildcat family and help UNH serve our students and society in pursuit of a prosperous future.”

2017 - 2020年, 奇尔顿 was dean of the Harpur College of Arts and Sciences at Binghamton University, 是纽约州立大学系统的一部分. Prior to that she spent 16 years at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, 担任各种职务,包括教授, 人类学系主任, 负责研究和参与的副校长.

第一代大学生和公立大学毕业生, 奇尔顿是公立高等教育的拥护者, 深深致力于访问和文科教育. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from the University at Albany, 纽约州立大学, and then her Master’s and PhD in Anthropology from the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her academic work focuses on the pre-colonial archaeology of Northeast North America, 还有古生态学, 文化资源管理, 遗产研究和材料科学. She is the author of dozens of peer-reviewed book chapters and journal articles.

奇尔顿 is an avid hiker, kayaker and canoeist, as well as an enthusiastic choral singer. 她的丈夫迈克尔·苏格曼(Michael Sugerman)也是一名人类学教授. 这对夫妇有一个成年的儿子和三只活泼的狗.

的 澳门葡京网赌游戏 激励创新,改变我们国家、民族和世界的生活. 近16,000名学生 from 50 states and 87 countries engage with an award-winning 教师 in top-ranked programs in business, 工程, 法律, 卫生和公共服务, 文科和理科横跨200多个学习项目. 卡内基R1分类机构, 联合国大学与美国宇航局合作, 美国国家海洋和大气管理局, NSF, 和国家卫生研究院, and received over $210 million in competitive external funding in FY23 to further explore and define the frontiers of land, 海洋与太空.
